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Arjola Arapi-Gjini

Dr. Arjola Arapi-Gjini

Dr. Arjola Arapi-Gjini

zur Person

Publikationen und Vorträge

Artikel (referiert)

; ; (2024) Remitted euros are not equal: The complex spending behaviour of Kosovar households. International Migration 62 (6): 255-275.

; (2024) The nature and effects of remittance scripts in rural Kosovo. Migration Studies 12 (4): .

; ; (2020) Measuring dynamic effects of remittances on poverty and inequality with evidence from Kosovo. Eastern European Economics 58 (4): 283-308.

; ; ; (2017) Exit or voice? The recent drivers of Kosovar out-migration. International Migration 55 (3): 173-186.

Artikel (nicht referiert)

; (2022) Migration, Rücküberweisungen und Lebenszufriedenheit im ländlichen Kosovo. IAMO Jahreszahl 24: 33-42.

; (2022) Migration, remittances and well-being in Kosovo. IAMO Annual 24: 31-39.

; ; ; (2016) Exodus aus dem Kosovo: Was die Menschen zur Flucht treibt. IAMO Jahreszahl 18: 11-17.

IAMO Policy Briefs

; ; ; (2015) Mass exodus from Kosovo: How a struggling state loses its citizens. IAMO Policy Brief No. 24, Halle (Saale).

; ; ; (2015) Eksodi Kosovar: Si një shtet i ri në ndërtim po humbet shtetasit e tij. IAMO Policy Brief No. 24, Halle (Saale).

; ; ; (2015) Massenflucht aus dem Kosovo: Ein schlingernder Staat verliert seine Bürger. IAMO Policy Brief No. 24, Halle (Saale).

IAMO Discussion Paper

; ; ; (2022) An analysis of farm support measures in the Republic of Moldova. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 199, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

IAMO Studies

(2022) Migration, remittances and well-being in Kosovo. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Transition Economies, Vol. 98, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

Weitere Publikationen

; ; (2021) Measuring dynamic effects of remittances on poverty and inequality with evidence from Kosovo. IAAE.


; ; ; (2024) Impact assessment of post-investment subsidies on the marketing capacity of farms - The case of the Republic of Moldova. New Delhi, Indien, 02.08.2024 - 07.08.2024.

; ; (2024) Exploring immobility patterns of rural populations: Empirical evidence from South East Europe. Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, 25.06.2024 - 28.06.2024.

; (2022) Remittance scripts and rural return in a patriarchic society. Tutzing, Deutschland, 03.10.2022 - 07.10.2022.

; ; (2017) Remittance scripts and the traditional rural household in Opoja (Kosovo). Piacenza, Italien, 15.06.2017 - 16.06.2017.


; ; ; (2024) Impact assessment of post-investment subsidies on the marketing capacity of farms - The case of the Republic of Moldova. Improving the Functioning of Agri-Food Value Chains in the South Caucasus Region, Tbilisi, Georgien.

(2023) Youth and women in the Western Balkans. IAMO Forum 2023 "Trade, Geopolitics & Food Security", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; (2023) Place attachment, (im)mobility decisions and rural well-being in Southeast Europe: A multi-sited ethnographic approach. XXIXth European Society for Rural Sociology Congress Crises and the futures of rural areas, Rennes, Frankreich.

; (2023) Who are the stayers? Place attachment, (im)mobility decisions and well-being in rural Southeast Europe. 21st ISQOLS Annual Conference "Towards a People-First Economy: A World to Win", Rotterdam, Niederlande.

; (2023) Catalysts or inhibitors of inequality? A comparative study of the impact of intangible remittance transfers in rural and urban Kosovo. 20th IMISCOE Annual Conference ‘Migration and Inequalities, Warschau / Online, Polen.

; ; (2023) Urban and rural return migrants as agents of change: The patterns of intangible remittance transfer in Kosovo. Mobilities, land use and ecological crises in Europe’s peripheries, Hosman, Rumänien.

; ; (2021) Does migration pay off? Evidence on the effects of remittances on poverty and income inequality in Kosovo. Warsaw Economic Seminars, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw, Polen.

; ; (2021) Measuring dynamic effects of remittances on poverty and inequality with evidence from Kosovo. 31st Virtual ICAE 2021, Neu Delhi / Online, Indien.

; ; (2021) ‘Kshtu Është Vendi’ (So is the Tradition): Social embeddedness of remittance behavior in Opoja, Kosovo. The 28th Colloquium of the International Geographical Union Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems. Rural on the Move: Transitions, Transformations, Mobilities and Resistance, Zagreb, Kroatien.

; ; (2021) Return migrants as agents of change? A comparative perspective on intangible remittance transfer in urban and rural Kosovo. The 28th Colloquium of the International Geographical Union Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems. Rural on the Move: Transitions, Transformations, Mobilities and Resistance, Zagreb, Kroatien.

(2019) Remittances and expenditure patterns in rural Kosovo: a microdata analysis. 6th Bamberg-Halle-Jena-Leipzig Workshop On Empirical Microeconomics/Applied Microeconometrics, Leipzig, Deutschland.

(2019) Does Migration Pay Off? Evidence on the effects of remittances on poverty and income inequality in Kosovo. 7th Bamberg-Halle-Jena-Leipzig Workshop on Empirical Microeconomics/Empirical Microeconometrics, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; (2018) International Migration and Community Wellbeing: a mixed methods approach. International Conference on Agriculture and Life Sciences “ICOALS”, Tirana, Albanien.

; ; (2018) Social structures and rural households’ use of remittances: a qualitative case study from highland Kosovo. International Conference on Migrations, Development and Citizenship, Roskilde, Dänemark.

; ; (2018) What hinders the commercialization of semi-subsistence farms in Kosovo? Farmers' narratives. Policy Increased Efficiency and Effectiveness of Kosovo Agricultural Policy to Benefit the Commercialisation of Small and Family Farmers, Canterbury, Großbritannien.

(2017) Migration and Wellbeing in Rural Kosovo. XXVII European Society For Rural Sociology Congress, Krakau, Polen.

; ; (2016) Estimating the Impact of Migration and Remittances on Household Income Distribution and Poverty: Evidence from Rural Kosovo. IAMO Forum 2016: Rural Labor in Transition, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

(2016) The complex interlinkages of migration, remittances and family relations in rural Kosovo. Young scholars Forum on "Challenges and Opportunities of Migration in and from South East Europe“, Vienna, Oesterreich.

(2015) Migration in the Western Balkans: The case of Kosovo and Albania. Overview of Migration Challenges in the Western Balkans: The Perspective of Kosovo and Albania, Erfurt, Deutschland.