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Working practices in animal farming – An ethnographic farm case study

Thematic complex:
Organisation of agriculture
Project duration:
since 01.05.2014
Investigated countries:

The doctoral project investigates working practices in dairy cow husbandry. The research sheds light on the interdepend relationship between these practices and the technology used and the organization of work. Further attention will be paid to the professional self-image of livestock farmers in terms of how they perceive the animals they are working with. The underlying assumption is that the social construction of farm animals, technology and work organization influence each other. The research applies an ethnographic approach, within which participatory observations and informal conversations during work activities as well as semi-structured interviews with actors in animal husbandry will be conducted.

Project Staff

Christa Gotter

Prof. Dr. Manfred Stock (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Institut für Soziologie) (Supervisor)

Prof. Dr. Hans J. Pongratz (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Institut für Soziologie) (Supervisor)

Further Information