Analysis of the strategy of the Russian Federation for the expansion of agricultural production
Thematic complex:
Agricultural value chains
Project duration:
- 31.12.2018
Investigated countries:
STARLAP aims to analyze the impact of Russia's agricultural policy measures on the competitiveness of the Russian agricultural and food sector and the German and European market participants on the Russian agricultural and food markets. With the restraint of agricultural and food imports and the strong expansion of national agricultural subsidies, self-sufficiency is to be achieved and the development of Russia as the world's largest agro-food and food exporter is to be promoted in the long term. Within the framework of STARLAP, the scientists are studying the latest developments in the milk and meat sector of Russia. The research results shall help to assess the export and investment opportunities of German companies in the agricultural and food sector in the Russian Federation.
Project partners
- German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
- German Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE)
16.11.2018 ǀ Forum on the topic “Trends in global pork markets in light of the Russian import ban” at the EuroTier 2018 in Hanover, Germany
- Presentation by Dr. Linde Götz and Maximilian Heigermoser: Is there a perspective for German pork exports to Russia?
- Presentation by Dr. Olga Kylin: Best Practice of the German Food Industry in Dealing with Russian Food Sanctions
19.06.2018 | Workshop “Russia's agricultural sector between import substitution and export offensive”: Presentation of research results of the STARLAP and GERUKA projects (financed by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture), Berlin, Germany
04.07.2018 | Workshop “Opportunities for Bavarian food in Russia in times of sanctions” with the participation of Linde Götz in Munich, Germany
26.06.2018 | Review of workshop “Russia's agricultural sector between import substitution and export offensive” at the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Berlin, Germany
Götz, Jaghdani, Heigermoser, Kopsidis: Russia’s import substitution policy in the agricultural sector: The development of the Russian pork sector, IAMO Annual 2018.
Tleubayev, Jaghdani, Götz, Svanidze: The effects of trade policy on domestic dairy market: the case of Russian food import ban on regional cheese market integration in Russia, Contributed Paper ICAE 2018.
Götz, Jaghdani, Heigermoser, Tleubayev: Entwicklungen in der russischen Agrarwirtschaft während des Importverbots für Agrargüter und Lebensmittel, Russland-Analysen Nr. 361, 02.11.2018.
Bobojonov, Götz, Tleubayev: Geschäfts- und Investitionsklima im Agrarsektor Russlands nach den Lebensmittelsanktionen: Ergebnisse einer Befragung russischer und deutscher Unternehmen, Russland-Analysen Nr. 361, 02.11.2018.
PD Dr. habil. Linde Götz
Deputy Head of Department Agricultural Markets
Room: 222
Project Staff
PD Dr. habil. Linde Götz (Project leader)
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Dr. Tinoush Jamali Jaghdani
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Maximilian Heigermoser
Dr. Oleksandr Perekhozhuk
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Alishern Tleubayev
Prof. Dr. Martin Petrick
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Dr. Ihtiyor Bobojonov
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Dr. Ivan Duric
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Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Thomas Glauben (Project leader)
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