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PPP Slowenien 2017

Assessment of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), Pillar II measures upon on-farm employment

Thematic complex:
Organisation of agriculture
Project duration:
01.01.2017 - 30.12.2018
Investigated countries:

The scientific objective of this project is to assess the impact of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), Pillar II measures on rural employment, especially the impact on on-farm jobs in Slovenia. The specific six main objectives of this project are: (i) Development of a qualitative and quantitative assessment model to analyze the effects of voluntary base Pillar II measures; (ii) Literature review of previous studies in EU countries on the role of CAP Pillar II measures on employment, which accounts for agricultural and non-agricultural effects; (iii) Qualitative assessment: Investigation on the impacts for Pillar II measures on rural employment with interviews. (iv) Quantitative assessment: Econometric analysis of the effect of Pillar II measures’ payments on-farm labour use. (v) Knowledge transfer to young Slovenian researcher and exchange information with Slovenian project manager regarding to the analysis of direct payments’ effects on farm level; (vi) Dissemination of project results to the policy makers and rural stakeholders.

Project partners


Project Staff

Dr. Ilkay Unay-Gailhard
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