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Poverty and social assistance in rural China

Thematic complex:
Livelihoods in rural areas
Project duration:
01.03.2012 - 30.11.2021
Investigated countries:

In transition economies challenged with tremendous structural changes, especially parts of rural population face a high risk of poverty. One of the great challenges of implementing rural welfare relief is the identification of needy individuals and households for monetary or in-kind transfers. This project analyses a program for social assistance in rural China to answer the following questions:

  • What are the special challenges of defining and identifying recipients for social transfers and of implementing a social assistance system in rural society in general?
  • How efficient are the existing methods of income and welfare measurement of the program in question?
  • What concrete policy suggestions for increasing the efficiency of program design and implementation can be given?

Project partners



		Dr. Lena Kuhn

Dr. Lena Kuhn

Research Associate
Room: 233

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Project Staff

Dr. Stephan Brosig (Supervisor)
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Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Thomas Glauben (Supervisor)
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Yuan Hu

Dr. Lena Kuhn
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