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Modelling Individual Decisions to Support the European Policies Related to Agriculture

Flagge der Europäischen Union mit dem Zusatz "Funded by the European Union"

Thematic complex:
Creating resilient agricultural systems
Project duration:
01.09.2019 - 31.08.2023

EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) increasingly aims to contribute to the Paris climate agreement and the Sustainability Development Goals. Efforts and proposals to redesign the CAP seek for efficient regional and farm specific measures and an improved link to environment, climate change and ecosystem services. This development calls for a new generation of impact assessment tools that explicitly focus on the farm level and the farmers individual decision making (IDM). MIND STEP will contribute in this direction and aims to establish a model toolbox for policy analysis. In particular, we seek to i) develop and enhance IDM models, ii) estimate and calibrate these models, and iii) improve the exploitation of available agricultural and biophysical data. In this process, MIND STEP draws on state of the art econometric and innovative machine learning techniques and closely cooperates with various stakeholders to co-create and apply the MIND STEP model toolbox to selected regional, national and EU wide policy cases.

IAMO contributes to MIND STEP by leading work package 6 (Validation and policy evaluation) and by the provision of the agent-based models AgriPoliS and FarmAgriPoliS. As part of MIND STEPs model toolbox, these models can be applied towards relevant policy questions, will be further developed, and (potentially) linked with other models used by partners.

Project partners


This project has received funding from the European Union's research and innovation programme (Call: H2020-RUR-2018-2, Program: H2020-EU., Grant Agreement No. 817566).


		Dr. Franziska Appel

Dr. Franziska Appel

Research Associate,
Equal Opportunities Commissioner
Room: 138

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Project Staff

Dr. Franziska Appel
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Dr. Marten Graubner

Prof. Dr. Alfons Balmann
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Flagge der Europäischen Union mit dem Zusatz "Funded by the European Union"

Further Information