Landreform UA
Land reform in Ukraine: new perspectives and challenges for sustainable development of the agricultural sector and rural areas
Thematic complex:
Designing appropriate regulatory frameworks and institutions
Project duration:
- 31.12.2022
Investigated countries:
A functioning land market is considered as an important component for an efficient, stable and sustainable development of the agricultural economy and rural areas of Ukraine. Nevertheless, land market reform is the subject of intense political and social debates. These are due to the potential risks and negative consequences associated with the reform. The concerns include legal certainty in land relations, price developments in the land and lease market, competitiveness of small farmers, concentration of agricultural land in the hands of a few agricultural producers, aggravation of social conflicts in the countryside, etc.
The aim of the project is to promote the exchange of information on the process, current problems, requirements and perspectives of land reform in Ukraine, to increase the level of knowledge about its economic, social and political effects and thus to objectify the debates on this complex topic.
The project is structured in 3 phases:
- Lecture series on the methodological basis for obtaining and processing research data and scientific writing
- Workshop in Ukraine that aims for a scientific discussion on economic and social aspects of land market liberalization and the promotion of a multi-stakeholder dialogue, which is particularly important in identifying approaches to the current challenges of the reform process
- Research stays of Ukrainian and German scientists at the partner organizations (in Germany and Ukraine respectively)
The project is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the German Foreign Office (AA).
Part 1: Land reform in Ukraine: prospects and challenges for sustainable development of the agricultural sector and rural areas | on 1 December 2022, 09:00 – 11:00 (CET), online
Program_1.12.2022 (Pdf)
(for the video recording on Youtube have a look here)
Part 2: The sustainable development of the agricultural sector and rural areas in times of crisis and war? (German/Ukrainian) | on 7 December 2022, 09:00 – 12:00 (CET), online
Program_7.12.2022 (Pdf)
(for the video recording on Youtube have a look here)
Part 3: Land reform and sustainable development of the agricultural sector and rural areas in Ukraine: scientific aspects (English) | on 14 December 2022, 09:00 – 11:30 (CET), online
Program_14.12.2022 (Pdf)
Seminars Series 2022
Seminar Series on Research Data, Methods and Scientific Writing (online)
The aim of the seminars series is to improve participants’ practical and basic methodological skills for preparation and working on their research projects. Participants will become familiar with necessary methodological basics for obtaining and processing research, methods commonly used for the analysis of scientific issues in agricultural economics and will also improve their skills which are required for the publication of research results in peer-reviewed journals and ultimately for scientific communication.
- High quality research data - Introduction and issues of representativeness | on 2 June 2022 (in English)
- Writing and Submitting a Conference Paper or Extended Abstract” | on 9 June 2022 (in Ukrainian)
- Empirical research in ag and development economics: How to design a sound empirical project? | on 8 September 2022 (in Ukrainian)
Lecture series on “An Introduction to Econometric Models of Agricultural Supply and Input Demand”
on 6th / 9th/ 13th/ 16th December 2022
09:00 – 11:00 (CET), Online course via Zoom
Lecturer: Professor Michael Grings, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Faculty of Natural Sciences III, Halle, Germany
Call for applications: Visiting Research Fellowships
Visiting research fellowships in Agricultural Economics for Ukrainian researchers (Deadline ended on 12 June 2022)
Here you can find the call and the application form
Project related publications
- Gagalyuk, T., & Kovalova, M. (2023) Digital technologies as a driver of resilience and institutional transformation: The case of Ukrainian agroholdings. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 27(1), 5-25.
- Koval, Pavlo, Levkovych, Inna. (2023) Priorities of sustainable development of the agri-food sector of Ukraine: realities and perspectives, Brief Analysis, Project “Landreform_UA”.
- Korinets, Roman (2022) Rural development in Ukraine: Policy perspectives, Brief analysis, Project “Landreform_UA”
- Levkovych, Inna; Pyvovar, Petro (2023) Monitoring der Landnutzungsänderung in der Ukraine am Beispiel der Region Schytomyr. Ukraine-Analysen (277): 7-14. DOI: 10.31205/UA.277.01
- Korinets, Roman; Yaroshko Mariya (2023) Ländliche Gemeinden und europäische Integration der Ukraine: Entwicklungspolitische Aspekte. Ukraine-Analysen (277): 2-7. DOI: 10.31205/UA.277.01
Project partners
Project Staff
Dr. Ihtiyor Bobojonov
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Dr. Taras Gagalyuk
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Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Thomas Glauben
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Dr. Vasyl Kvartiuk
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Dr. Oleksandr Perekhozhuk
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Dr. Inna Levkovych (Project coordinator)
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Marianne Müller-Albinsky
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