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Enhancing Agricultural Value Chains through Digital and Immersive Technologies: Understanding Consumer Behavior

Thematic complex:
Diffusion of innovations and knowledge
Project duration:
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Investigated countries:

The project aims to organize a three-day workshop in Belgrade, Serbia, followed by a research stay of two young researchers (PhD students) at IAMO for the period of one month each.
The specific aim of the workshop is to equip participants from the Western Balkan countries as well as Croatia with the knowledge and practical skills they need to improve agri-food value chains through the integration of innovations, digital technologies and immersive tools. The workshop will foster collaboration, innovation and exchange of ideas among students, researchers, professors and practitioners to strengthen the agricultural sector in the Western Balkans.
The specific aim of the research stay at IAMO is to provide a transfer of knowledge about state-of-the-art immersive digital technologies that enable insights into how agri-food products and services can be better aligned with market demands on Western Balkan and European Union.

Project partners



		Dr. Ivan Duric

Dr. Ivan Duric

Research Associate
Room: 227

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Further Information