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Analysis of the impact of state measures in agriculture on the pricing of agricultural and food products in Serbia
Atlas der Diskursfehler (Atlas of discourse errors)
eTrust-Food Determinants of consumer trust towards agro-food systems in Western Balkan: Linkages between trust and transparency through digital solutions as a path of fostering supply chain competitiveness [eTrust-Food]
DigiAgrar_UA Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development: German-Ukrainian Perspectives for Future Agricultural and Food Systems in Europe [DigiAgrar_UA]
DITAC Digital transformation of China’s agriculture – resources, trade and food security (Digitale Transformation der Landwirtschaft Chinas - Ressourcen, Handel und Ernährungssicherheit) [DITAC]
AgriDigital Digitalization in Agriculture – The social media impact on agri-food marketing [AgriDigital]
AGRIIMMERSE Enhancing Agricultural Value Chains through Digital and Immersive Technologies: Understanding Consumer Behavior [AGRIIMMERSE]
Impact of policy measures on wheat-to-bread supply chain during the global commodity price peaks – The case of Serbia
ICT4BXW@Scale Multiplatform delivery of co-developed tools for national control and prevention of Banana Xanthomonas Wilt (BXW) in Rwanda: Scaling innovation for enhanced Banana production and Food Security [ICT4BXW@Scale]
AgriNET Network building in the field of competitiveness of agri-food sector of Serbia and the EU countries [AgriNET]
POT4food Potentials for improving the competitiveness of the agri-food sector in the function of sustainable economic development [POT4food]
TRAFOBIT The role and functions of bioclusters in the transition to a bioeconomy [TRAFOBIT]
FOODScopeVR Trust, transparency and traceability along the food value chains in Serbia – Using digital technologies for providing insides on consumer behaviour [FOODScopeVR]