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APD Westbalkan Agricultural Policy Dialogue Germany - Western Balkans (Agrarpolitischer Dialog Westbalkan) [APD Westbalkan]
CAWAMNET Central Asian Water Conflict and Migration Network [CAWAMNET]
Social comparisons and inequality Perceptions of inequality through social comparisons and transference on subjective wellbeing: a micro perspective on reference groups [Social comparisons and inequality]
Rural NEET Youth Network: Modellierung der Risiken, die der sozialen Ausgrenzung ländlicher NEETs zugrunde liegen
RuWell Rural well-being in transition: multidimensional drivers and effects on (im)mobility [RuWell]
Staying rural and the status quo bias The role of the status quo bias in the perpetuation of farm work and remaining in situ – exemplified with data from Southeast Europe [Staying rural and the status quo bias]
TraFFF Transnational Families, Farms and Firms: Migrant Entrepreneurs in Kosovo and Serbia from the 1960s to today [TraFFF]