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TERRSOC 'Reading' Ancient Landscapes: Peasant Decision-Making and Terraced Agriculture in Central Palestine over la Longue Duree [TERRSOC]
FarmAgriPoliS 2.0 A business simulation game to experience structural change in agriculture [FarmAgriPoliS 2.0]
Land rental markets A spatial-dynamic approach to land rental markets [Land rental markets]
Agricultural cooperatives Agricultural cooperatives as economic crisis-absorbers: the role of cooperative ownership and governance [Agricultural cooperatives]
Agricultural growth in Saxony, 1750-1880
FORLand Agricultural Land Markets – Efficiency and Regulation [FORLand]
AG-ORGA&POLICY Agricultural Organisation and Farm Policy [AG-ORGA&POLICY]
APD Westbalkan Agricultural Policy Dialogue Germany - Western Balkans (Agrarpolitischer Dialog Westbalkan) [APD Westbalkan]
MDA-Impact Agricultural Policy Impact Assessment for the Republic of Moldova [MDA-Impact]
AgriPoliS Agricultural Policy Simulator [AgriPoliS]
AGRIWANET Agricultural Restructuring, Water Scarcity and the Adaptation to Climate Change in Central Asia: A Five-Country Study [AGRIWANET]
UaAgriDialog Agriculture and society: a multi-stakeholder dialogue for stable and sustainable development [UaAgriDialog]
AGRISPRING Agriculture in North Africa after the Arab Spring [AGRISPRING]
SARICCA Agriculture Trade and Foreign Investments for Sustainable Regional Integration in Caucasus and Central Asia [SARICCA]
IPReS An Innovative Pilot Program on the Re-Integration of Scientists to Central Asia: Research and Capacity Building on Food Chains under Climate Change [IPReS]
SecureFood An integrated approach to enhance food systems resilience, advocating for food security and uninterrupted food supply [SecureFood]
Analysis of the impact of state measures in agriculture on the pricing of agricultural and food products in Serbia
STARLAP Analysis of the strategy of the Russian Federation for the expansion of agricultural production [STARLAP]
AgEnRes Analyzing of fossil-energy dependence in agriculture to increase resilience against input price fluctuations [AgEnRes]
PPP Slowenien 2017 Assessment of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), Pillar II measures upon on-farm employment [PPP Slowenien 2017]
Atlas der Diskursfehler (Atlas of discourse errors)
BALTRAK Balancing trade-offs between agriculture and biodiversity in the steppes of Kazakhstan [BALTRAK]
Barriers in grain export in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan
UzFarmBarometer Better understanding of the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices in Uzbekistan [UzFarmBarometer]
ENHANCE Building an Excellency Network for Heightening Agricultural Economic Research and Education in Romania [ENHANCE]
CAWAMNET Central Asian Water Conflict and Migration Network [CAWAMNET]
AG-ChangeRural Changes in rural areas [AG-ChangeRural]
ICT4BXW Citizen Science and ICT for advancing the prevention and control of Banana Xanthomonas Wilt (BXW) in East and Central Africa [ICT4BXW]
Commercialization of smallholder farms in Kosovo
Alfa Agrar Competence Management to Promote Skilled Foreign Workers in Agriculture [Alfa Agrar]
WiCa Anthocyanin Consumers' willingness to buy (WTB) and willingness to pay (WTP) for anthocyanin-containing cereal products [WiCa Anthocyanin]
Cooperation and alternative food chains as marketing opportunities for smallholder farms in Southeastern Europe
Cropland use and land tenure rights in transition countries
CROSSGRASS Cross-border analysis of grassland greenness in Asia: Climate variations, grazing pressure, and land policy change [CROSSGRASS]
Demand for dietary quality in Russia
eTrust-Food Determinants of consumer trust towards agro-food systems in Western Balkan: Linkages between trust and transparency through digital solutions as a path of fostering supply chain competitiveness [eTrust-Food]
DEDIPAC Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity [DEDIPAC]
Red Meat Crisis Determinants of Iran’s Red Meat Crisis: Multidisciplinary Analysis of Supply Chain Governance [Red Meat Crisis]
RIMARA Development of a Risk Management Concept for small farmers in Armenia and Azerbaijan [RIMARA]
TAAST Development of a tool for analyses of agricultural sector of Tajikistan [TAAST]
DETECCT Digital early-warning technologies for climate crisis management and agricultural transition in Central Asia [DETECCT]
DITAC Digital transformation of China’s agriculture – resources, trade and food security (Digitale Transformation der Landwirtschaft Chinas - Ressourcen, Handel und Ernährungssicherheit) [DITAC]
AgriDigital Digitalization in Agriculture – The social media impact on agri-food marketing [AgriDigital]
Do radical reforms really matter? French revolution and German industrialization
DSinGIS Doctoral Studies in GeoInformation Sciences [DSinGIS]
DEBEC Drivers and Socio-Economic, Behavioural Effects of Climate Change in Iran: The Case of Water Resources Management [DEBEC]
Economic analysis of wheat trade in Russia, Central Asia and the Caucasus: three Essays
EPIKUR Economic and natural potentials of agricultural production and carbon trade-offs in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Russia [EPIKUR]
Economic Development of Southeast Europe 1870-2010: periphery forever?
Economic strategies for an adaptation to risks induced by climate change: a sectoral and regional analysis of plant production in Germany
Bioeconomy Economics and Institutions of the Bioeconomy [Bioeconomy]
Economics of Climate Change. Research in the Dry Areas: IAMO-ICARDA cooperation in Central Asia
Effects of land policy liberalizations on land use and farm structures in Sichuan, China
AGRIIMMERSE Enhancing Agricultural Value Chains through Digital and Immersive Technologies: Understanding Consumer Behavior [AGRIIMMERSE]
SEAVID19 Ensuring an economic sustainable seafood industry during crisis [SEAVID19]
Entrepreneurial Failure and Follow-up Entrepreneurial Performance of Small-scale Enterprises of Farmers in China
Essays on Food Consumption, Income Inequality, and Health-related Issues in China
GEO-WB6 Establishing a Geoinformation Centre for the Western Balkans at the Agricultural University Tirana [GEO-WB6]
UzAgrInLab Establishment of interdisciplinary lab on Agricultural Innovations and Resources [UzAgrInLab]
AGRICISTRADE Exploring the potential for agricultural and biomass trade in the Commonwealth of Independent States [AGRICISTRADE]
Factor productivity in EU agriculture
CRISPR From consumer protection to innovation marketing of green genetic engineering: Policy recommendations for optimised innovation communication [CRISPR]
From Social to Intangible Remittances: A Conceptual Recalibration with Empirical Evidence from Southeast Europe
AgriWork_UA Functional labor market in Ukraine's agriculture for resilient and sustainable development of the sector [AgriWork_UA]
DCZ German-Sino Agricultural Center [DCZ]
APD Ukraine German-Ukrainian Agricultural Policy Dialogue [APD Ukraine]
GUCE-SAFE German-Ukrainian Centre of Excellence for Smart Agriculture and Food Economics [GUCE-SAFE]
GERUKA Global Food Security and the Grain Markets in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan [GERUKA]
GTRS Global Trade Reversal – Trade Barriers between East and West: Impact Analysis on Serbian Agri-Food Trade [GTRS]
Green public procurement Green public procurement in the Czech Republic [Green public procurement]
SWECA High-resolution daily snow reanalysis dataset for Tian-Shan and Pamir mountains (1979–2016) [SWECA]
KULUNDA How to prevent the next "Global Dust Bowl"? – Ecological and Economic Strategies for Sustainable Land Management in the Russian Steppes: A Potential Solution to Climate Change [KULUNDA]
Impact of policy measures on wheat-to-bread supply chain during the global commodity price peaks – The case of Serbia
EU4Dialogue_SC Improving the functioning of agri-food value chains in the South Caucasus region [EU4Dialogue_SC]
KlimALEZ Increasing climate resilience via agricultural insurance – Innovation transfer for sustainable rural development in Central Asia [KlimALEZ]
AGRICHANGE Institutional change in land and labour relations of Central Asia’s irrigated agriculture [AGRICHANGE]
Institutional quality of meat markets in post-Soviet countries
AG-InstitutionsNaturalResources Institutions and Natural resources [AG-InstitutionsNaturalResources]
COMPETE International comparisons of product supply chains in the agri-food sectors: determinants of their competitiveness and performance on EU and international markets [COMPETE]
LaScalA International Competence Center on Large Scale Agriculture [LaScalA]
Landreform UA Land reform in Ukraine: new perspectives and challenges for sustainable development of the agricultural sector and rural areas [Landreform UA]
LULCC Land use and land cover change impacts of the sorghum and millet upscaling project in Mali [LULCC]
Market Uncertainty and Policy Effects on Bioenergy Investments : A Real Options Approach
MIND STEP Modelling Individual Decisions to Support the European Policies Related to Agriculture [MIND STEP]
ICT4BXW@Scale Multiplatform delivery of co-developed tools for national control and prevention of Banana Xanthomonas Wilt (BXW) in Rwanda: Scaling innovation for enhanced Banana production and Food Security [ICT4BXW@Scale]
AgriNET Network building in the field of competitiveness of agri-food sector of Serbia and the EU countries [AgriNET]
Internal migration in Kazakhstan New Institutionalism and Bayesian Networks: Establishing an analytical framework to model migration decision making in rural Kazakhstan [Internal migration in Kazakhstan]
FarmAgriPoliS Participatory laboratory experiments with Agripolis [FarmAgriPoliS]
PASANOA Pathways to sustainable land management in Northern Argentina [PASANOA]
Peasants and agricultural growth in the Late Tsarist Empire
Social comparisons and inequality Perceptions of inequality through social comparisons and transference on subjective wellbeing: a micro perspective on reference groups [Social comparisons and inequality]
PhD Thesis project: Structural change in rural Europe: Land-use and labour behavior
Philipp Schwartz Fellowships supported by funds from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
UaFoodTrade Pilot project for the sustainable internationalization of Ukrainian research structures in the context of the globalization of the Ukrainian food sector [UaFoodTrade]
FEDAGRIPOL Political economy of agricultural policies in federal systems [FEDAGRIPOL]
Postdoctoral project: Becoming a young farmer in the digital age - an island perspective
Poverty and social assistance in rural China
Risk-Contingent Credit for Resilience Promoting Resilience and Food Security through Risk-Contingent Credit in Africa [Risk-Contingent Credit for Resilience]
FEM-Power Promotion of gender equality for female scientists at IAMO [FEM-Power]
EUkrBenefits Reaping the Benefits and Minimising the Risks: Integration of the Ukrainian Agricultural and Food Sectors into the European Union [EUkrBenefits]
Reforming the Discourses on Innovative Technologies: An Ordonomic Perspective
Alumni Network Research and innovation for a sustainable rural development – Strengthening the IAMO alumni network [Alumni Network]
Rehwinkel Resilience Resilience through change! Strategies for the agricultural sector and politics [Rehwinkel Resilience]
ANICANET Revitalising animal husbandry in Central Asia: A five-country analysis [ANICANET]
MULTAGRI Rural development through governance of multifunctional agricultural land-use [MULTAGRI]
REAP Rural Education Action Program [REAP]
Rural NEET Youth Network: Modellierung der Risiken, die der sozialen Ausgrenzung ländlicher NEETs zugrunde liegen
RuWell Rural well-being in transition: multidimensional drivers and effects on (im)mobility [RuWell]
BlackSeaGrain Russia’s grain export business in the Black Sea [BlackSeaGrain]
ERPIAMO Scientific monitoring of the ERP system [ERPIAMO]
Seeing is learning: Vision care for rural and migrant children in China
Stochastic Optimal Control of Investment-Consumption Models
SCARLED Structural Change in Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods [SCARLED]
SUSADICA Structured doctoral programme on Sustainable Agricultural Development in Central Asia [SUSADICA]
Short Value Chains Western Balkans Study of best practices and potential of participation of the smallholders in the short value chains in the Western Balkans region and Turkey (Praxis und Potential der Nutzung von kurzen Vertriebsketten in der Landwirtschaft für Kleinbauern im Westbalkan und der Türkei) [Short Value Chains Western Balkans]
Study on Rural Migration in Kosovo
AgriPoliS2020 Sustainability of research software AgriPoliS [AgriPoliS2020]
MSCA4Ukr Sustainability reporting and access to capital (for post-war recovery) of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine [MSCA4Ukr]
Tapping two sources: Farmers’ conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water in North West China
ICRAFS The current impact of COVID-19 and the Russian war in Ukraine on global agricultural commodity trade and food security in Sub-Saharan Africa [ICRAFS]
AgriMyths The Ethics and Economics of Modern Agricultural Myths [AgriMyths]
MATRACC The Global Food Crisis – Impact on Wheat Markets and Trade in the Caucasus and Central Asia and the Role of Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine) [MATRACC]
SARS-CAC The impact of COVID-19 on agriculture, food and rural areas in Central Asia and Caucasus countries [SARS-CAC]
The impact of migration and remittances on agriculture and rural development in Kosovo and Albania
The land and water nexus in a transition context: the case of Tajikistan
TRAFOBIT The role and functions of bioclusters in the transition to a bioeconomy [TRAFOBIT]
Staying rural and the status quo bias The role of the status quo bias in the perpetuation of farm work and remaining in situ – exemplified with data from Southeast Europe [Staying rural and the status quo bias]
Third sector organizations Third sector organizations in rural development: a theoretical and empirical analysis [Third sector organizations]
Three essays on agricultural policy in Kosovo
Too much but not enough: Issues of water management in Albania
TRUSTFARM Towards resilient and sustainable integrated agro-ecosystems through appropriate climate-smart farming practices [TRUSTFARM]
SURE-Farm Towards SUstainable and REsilient EU FARMing systems [SURE-Farm]
Europe-LAND Towards Sustainable Land-use Strategies in the Context of Climate Change and Biodiversity Challenges in Europe [Europe-LAND]
TraFFF Transnational Families, Farms and Firms: Migrant Entrepreneurs in Kosovo and Serbia from the 1960s to today [TraFFF]
FOODScopeVR Trust, transparency and traceability along the food value chains in Serbia – Using digital technologies for providing insides on consumer behaviour [FOODScopeVR]
Understanding farmers’ compliance and non-compliance of food safety rules in China
VALUMICS Understanding food value chains and network dynamics [VALUMICS]
Understanding the behavioral factors affecting adoption of sustainable agriculture practices by farmers in Kyrgyzstan
UzAgRe Uzbekistan Cotton Sector Analysis: Promoting Competitiveness, Efficiency and Sustainability [UzAgRe]
Volatile agricultural prices and agricultural futures markets
AWAGO Water governance and peacebuilding in Afghanistan [AWAGO]
YOUNG FARMERS What can digital communications do for generational renewal in farming? [YOUNG FARMERS]
Working practices in animal farming – An ethnographic farm case study
PPP Slovenia 2020 Young Farmer Payments: effectiveness of policy implementations after the 2013 CAP reform in Slovenia [PPP Slovenia 2020]