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Reviewed Articles

Here you find the published and accepted articles of the IAMO researchers in scientific journals. Details are given on the webpages of the respective journals, please see the links given but note that online access by publishers may be limited.


; ; (2009) EU-wide networking: An instrumental valuable for European rural development policies in Romania? European Countryside 1 (4): 210-226.
; ; ; (2009) Lost in transition: Determinants of postsocialist cropland abandonment in Romania. Journal of Land Use Science 4 (1): 109-129.
; (2009) Forecasting hotspots of forest clearing in Kakamega Forest, Western Kenya. Forest Ecology and Management 257 (3): 968-977.
; (2009) Econometric estimation of market power in the milk processing industry. Konkurentsiia. Visnyk Antymonopol'noho komitetu Ukrainy (2): 21-28.
; (2009) Critical Masses in the Decollectivisation of Post-Soviet Agriculture. European Review of Agricultural Economics 36 (2): 231-252.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2009) Integrated assessment of future CAP policies: land use changes, spatial patterns and targeting. Environmental Science and Policy 12 (8): 1122-1136.
; (2009) Warum kaufen wir? Werte als Auslöser von Konsumentscheidungen bei Lebensmitteln. Berichte über Landwirtschaft 87 (3): 353-544.
; (2009) Agricultural productivity growth in traditional and transitional economies in Asia. Asian-Pacific Economic Literature 23 (2): 52-72.
; ; ; (2009) Past and future effects of the Common Agricultural Policy in the Czech Republic. Post-Communist Economies 21 (4): 495-511.
; (2009) The Limits of State-Led Land Reform: An Introduction. World Development 37 (8): 1307-1316.
; ; (2009) The land-use evolution and impact assessment model: A comprehensive urban planning support system. URISA Journal 21 (1): 57-68.
; (2009) Economics of rural governance: a property rights perspective. Outlook on Agriculture 38 (3): 243-248.
; ; ; ; (2009) Do Private Labels Generate Loyalty? Empirical Evidence for German Frozen Pizza. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 12 (4): 165-180.
; ; (2009) The Transformation of Agricultural Production Cooperatives in East Germany and Their Future. Journal of Rural Co-operation 37 (1): 5-19.