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Reviewed Articles

Here you find the published and accepted articles of the IAMO researchers in scientific journals. Details are given on the webpages of the respective journals, please see the links given but note that online access by publishers may be limited.


; ; ; (2009) Vertical Coordination with Growers in the Supermarket Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Supply Chain in Croatia. Agrarwirtschaft 58 (8): 365-372.
(2009) Buchbesprechung: Rural Development as Provision of Local Public Goods: Theory and Evidence from Poland. Agrarwirtschaft 58 (7): 330.
; ; (2009) Auswirkungen der Internationalisierung des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels auf die Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft. Berichte über Landwirtschaft 87 (2): 343-352.
; (2009) Supply chain quality and its managerial challenges - Insights from Ukrainian agri-food business. Journal of East European Management Studies 14 (4): 332-356.
; ; ; (2009) Network Approach to Supply Chain Management: Terms, Scope of Issues and Lines of Development. Russian Management Journal 7 (1): 43-68.
; (2009) Are Co-Operatives a Way to Integrate Small Farmers in Supply Chain Networks? Preliminary Thoughts on Hungary. Journal of Rural Co-operation 37 (1): 20-31.
; (2009) Bio-Handelsmarken als strategisches Instrument zur Positionierung und Imagebildung eines Lebensmittelhändlers - Chancen und Risiken. Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety = Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit 4 (1): 15-22.
; ; (2009) Power asymmetries in the wine chain – Implications for the management of the chain. ENOMETRICA 2 (1): 29-46.
(2009) Challenges of a vertical coordinated agri-food business for co-operatives. Journal of Co-operative Studies 42 (2): 5-13.
; ; ; (2009) Will they stay or will they go? Simulating the dynamics of single-holder farms in a dualistic farm structure in Slovakia. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 57 (4): 497-511.
; (2009) Collusion in the Hungarian Market for Raw Milk. Outlook on Agriculture 38 (1): 39-45.
; ; (2009) Agroholding membership: does it make a difference in performance. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 48 (1): 25-46.
; (2009) Toward an economics of the rural third sector. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance, and Ecology 8 (5-6): 439-456.
; (2009) Effects of social marketing on battery collection. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 53 (8): 429-433.
; ; ; (2009) Consequences of a progressive reduction of direct payments in Germany: paving the way for post-2013? Agrarwirtschaft 58 (4): 198-208.
; ; ; (2009) Land use change in Southern Romania after the collapse of socialism. Regional Environmental Change 9 (1): 1-12.
; ; (2009) Cropland change in southern Romania: a comparison of logistic regressions and artificial neural networks. Landscape Ecology 24 (9): 1195-1206.