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Reviewed Articles

Here you find the published and accepted articles of the IAMO researchers in scientific journals. Details are given on the webpages of the respective journals, please see the links given but note that online access by publishers may be limited.


; ; (2013) Rediscovering the Virgin Lands: Agricultural investment and rural livelihoods in a Eurasian frontier area. World Development 43 (3): 164-179.
; (2013) Exposure of EU Farmers to the Financial Crisis. Choices - The magazine of food, farm, and resource issues 28 (2): 1-6.
; ; ; (2013) Nahrungssicherheit und Agrarspekulation: Was ist politisch zu tun? Wirtschaftsdienst 93 (2): 103-107.
; ; ; (2013) Hungermakers? - Why futures market activities by index funds are promoting the common good. Swiss Derivatives Review (53): 12-16.
; ; ; ; (2013) Betreiben Indexfonds Agrarspekulation? Erläuterungen zum Geschäftsmodell und zum weiteren Forschungsbedarf. ORDO Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (64): 421-441.
; ; ; ; (2013) Determinants of agricultural land abandonment in post-Soviet European Russia. Land Use Policy 30 (1): 873-884.
(2013) Book review. McNeill, Desmond, Nesheim, Ingrid and Floor Brouwer (eds.) (2012):Land Use Policies for Sustainable Development.Exploring Integrated Assessment Approaches. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 52 (2): 171-173.
; ; ; ; (2013) Commons in a changing Europe. International Journal of the Commons 7 (1): 1-6.
; ; ; (2013) Inferred and stated attribute non-attendance in food choice experiments. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 95 (1): 165-180.
; ; ; ; ; (2013) Post-Soviet cropland abandonment and carbon sequestration in European Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 27 (4): 1175-1185.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2013) Landsat-based mapping of post-Soviet land-use change to assess the effectiveness of the Oksky and Mordovsky protected areas in European Russia. Remote Sensing of Environment 133: 38–51.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2013) Amendment of the Fertiliser Application Ordinance (DüV): Limiting Nutrient Surpluses Effectively. Berichte über Landwirtschaft 91 (219): 1-12.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2013) Novellierung der Düngeverordnung: Nährstoffüberschüsse wirksam begrenzen. Berichte über Landwirtschaft 91 (219): 1-12.
; (2013) Germany's Light Version of Integrated Water Resources Management. Environmental Policy and Governance 23 (2): 130-144.
; ; (2013) Agricultural cooperatives. Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity 2 (1): 23-36.
(2013) Veblen and instrumental value: a systems theory perspective. Journal of Economic Issues 47 (3): 673-688.