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Reviewed Articles

Here you find the published and accepted articles of the IAMO researchers in scientific journals. Details are given on the webpages of the respective journals, please see the links given but note that online access by publishers may be limited.


; ; ; (2024) Determinants of changes in harvested area and yields of major crops in China. Food Security 16 (2): 339-351.
; ; ; (2024) Technical efficiency versus land-use efficiency: A spatio-temporal efficiency analysis of China’s crop production. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 73 (2): .
; ; (2023) Atypical combinations of technologies in regional co-inventor networks. Research Policy 52 (10): .
; (2023) After Arbeitsschutzkontrollgesetz. Strikes and organic intellectuals in the German meat industry. Romanian Sociology Review 21 (1): 93-113.
(2023) Wine as a “Cultural Product”? Ethnographic notes on work and nationhood in the Republic of Moldova. Comparative Southeast European Studies 71 (4): 565-584.
; ; ; (2023) Village funds and poverty reduction in Indonesia: New policy insight. Discover Global Society 1: .
; (2023) Predator or prey? Effects of farm growth on neighbouring farms. Journal of Agricultural Economics 74 (1): 214-236.
; (2023) Uzbekistan's cotton clusters in the context of the industrial policy debate. Eurasian Geography and Economics: .
; ; ; (2023) Balancing the trade-offs between land productivity, labor productivity and labor intensity. Ambio : a journal of human environment 52 (10): 1618–1634.
; ; ; (2023) The effect of Internet usage on dietary quality: Evidence from rural China. Agribusiness: An International Journal 39 (S1): 1478-1494.
; ; ; ; (2023) Don’t look up! Individual income comparisons and subjective well-being of students in Thailand. Journal of Happiness Studies 24 (2): 477-503.
; ; (2023) Innovation-driven development and urban carbon emission reduction: A quasi-natural experiment in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (3): 8002-8019.