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Reviewed Articles

Here you find the published and accepted articles of the IAMO researchers in scientific journals. Details are given on the webpages of the respective journals, please see the links given but note that online access by publishers may be limited.


; (2005) Production risk and technical inefficiency in Russian agriculture. European Review of Agricultural Economics 33 (1): 93-118.
; (2005) Erfolgsfaktoren in landwirtschaftlichen Unternehmen. Agrarwirtschaft 54 (8): 331-340.
; (2005) Branding and its consequences for German agribusiness. Agribusiness: An International Journal 21 (2): 177-190.
; (2005) Raiffeisen-Genossenschaften in einem sich wandelnden Agri-Food Business - noch eine Zukunft? Zeitschrift für das gesamte Genossenschaftswesen 55 (3): 210-223.
(2005) Surveying risk in Kazakh agriculture: Experiences and observations. Central Eurasian Studies Review 4 (1): 44-47.
; (2005) Is the full diffusion of EU standards optimal for the development of the food sectors in CEECs: The case ot the Polish dairy sector. Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes 64: 176-196.
; (2005) Efficiency and total factor productivity in Ukrainian agriculture in transition. Agricultural Economics 32 (3): 311-325.
; (2005) Technological progress and Chinese agricultural growth in the 1990s. China Economic Review 16 (4): 419-440.
; ; (2005) Investment decision in hog finishing: an application of the real options approach. Agricultural Economics 32 (1): 47-60.
; (2005) Agrarmärkte in Mittel- und Osteuropa im Strukturwandel. Mittel- und Osteuropa-Perspektiven - Jahrbuch 2005/2006: 358-366.
(2005) Social capital and organisational performance: a theoretical perspective. Journal for Institutional Innovation, Development and Transition 8: 23-33.
(2005) Explaining nonprofit organisation: the social value approach. Journal of Co-operative Studies 38 (2): 22-36.
; (2005) Toward a transaction cost theory of organizational change in transitional agriculture. Eastern European Economics 43 (5): 25-45.
; (2005) Explaining inertia in organizational change in Ukrainian agriculture. Journal of Change Management 5 (4): 485-496.
; (2005) Ökonomische Aspekte des Verhältnisses von Landwirtschaft und Gewässerschutz. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Umweltforschung (3-5): 528-559.
; (2004) Typisierung ländlicher Räume in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Europa Regional 12 (3): 149-158.