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Reviewed Articles

Here you find the published and accepted articles of the IAMO researchers in scientific journals. Details are given on the webpages of the respective journals, please see the links given but note that online access by publishers may be limited.


; ; ; ; (2025) Extreme weather, agricultural insurance and farmer's climate adaptation technologies adoption in China. Ecological Economics 228: .
; ; ; ; (2024) Unraveling the complexity of land use change and path dependency in agri-environmental schemes for small farmers: A serious game approach. Land Use Policy 139: .
; (2024) After Arbeitsschutzkontrollgesetz: Strikes and organic intellectuals in the German meat industry. South East Europe Review (SEER): Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe 26 (2): 227-248.
; ; (2024) An application of item response theory for agricultural sustainability measurement. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics: 1-29.
; ; ; ; ; (2024) Financing the implementation of HR engineering in manufacturing enterprises in the context of the country's digital economy formation. Financial and Credit Activity: Problems of Theory and Practice 5 (58): 522-533.
; ; ; (2024) The effect of income distribution on diet-related environmental footprints: Evidence from urban China. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 68 (2): 483-502.