Publication List
Balmann, Alfons; Lissitsa, Alexej (2003) Large farm management. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 20, Bergen: IAMO.
Balmann, Alfons; Lissitsa, Alexej (2003) Large farm management.: 378.
Bavorova, Miroslava (2003) Influence of policy measures on the competitiveness of the sugar industry in the Czech Republic. Agricultural Economics-Zemědělská Ekonomika 49 (6): 266-274.
Bavorova, Miroslava (2003) Die tschechische Zuckerindustrie im Wandel. Sugar Industry = Zuckerindustrie 128 (1): 31-38.
Borkowski, Agnieszka (2003) Machtverteilung im Ministerrat nach dem Vertrag von Nizza und den Konventsvorschlägen in einer erweiterten Europäischen Union. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 54, Halle (Saale): IAMO.
Dolud, Olena (2003) Фaкторы, влияющие на финансовое положeниe сeльскохозяйствeнных прeдприятий в России на примeрe Омскоий области. In: Schulze, E., Knappe, E., Serova, E., Wehrheim, P. (eds.): Success and failures of transition - the Russian agriculture between fall and resurrection (Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe , Vol. 21), 158-166: IAMO Eigenverlag.
Frohberg, Klaus; Weingarten, Peter (2003) Quantitative analysis of the agri-food trade among the CIS member countries. In: Schulze, E., Knappe, E., Serova, E., Wehrheim, P. (eds.): Success and failures of transition - the Russian agriculture between fall and resurrection (Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe , Vol. 21), 403-423: IAMO Eigenverlag.
Gerasin, Sergey; Rodionova, Olga; Schulze, Eberhard (2003) On management of agro-industrial complexes. In: Balmann, A., Lissitsa, A. (Hrsg.): Large farm management (Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe , Vol. 20), 159-179: Agrimedia.
Hockmann, Heinrich (2003) Иерархии и рынки в продовольственной цели: оправданна ли региональная аграрная политика? In: Tillack, P., Zinovchuk, V. (Hrsg.): Региональные аспeкты аграрных преобразований: политика, реструктуризация, рыночная адаптация (Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe , Vol. 17), 159-176: IAMO Eigenverlag.
Hockmann, Heinrich; Wandel, Jürgen; Shaikin, Vladimir (2003) Forward and backward integration in the Russian agro-food sector. In: Schulze, E., Knappe, E., Serova, E., Wehrheim, P. (eds.): Success and failures of transition - the Russian agriculture between fall and resurrection (Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe , Vol. 21), 361-390: IAMO Eigenverlag.