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IAMO Policy Briefs

The publication series IAMO Policy Brief offers selected research findings of IAMO in a short and understandable way for a wider audience. In particular, they are aimed at representatives from politics, business, and the media - as well as interested individuals.

List of IAMO Policy Briefs

(2014) Russia’s agricultural modernisation policy under WTO commit-ments: Why the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy is a poor model. IAMO Policy Brief No. 18, Halle (Saale).
(2014) Политика модернизации сельского хозяйства РФ в рамках обязательств ВТО: К вопросу о нецелесообразности копирования Единой сельскохозяйственной политики ЕС. IAMO Policy Brief No. 18, Halle (Saale).

; (2014) EU investment support for small and medium-sized enterprises in southern Europe: to be recommended? IAMO Policy Brief No. 17, Halle (Saale).
; (2014) EU-Investitionsförderung für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen in Südeuropa: Empfehlenswert? IAMO Policy Brief No. 17, Halle (Saale).

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2014) Die Kornkammer des Ostens blockiert ihre Markt- und Wachstumschancen. IAMO Policy Brief No. 16, Halle (Saale).
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2014) Eastern breadbasket obstructs its market and growth opportunities. IAMO Policy Brief No. 16, Halle (Saale).
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2014) Житница Востока блокирует свои рыночные возможности и шансы роста. IAMO Policy Brief No. 16, Halle (Saale).

; ; ; (2014) A policy agenda for agricultural development in Kazakhstan. IAMO Policy Brief No. 15, Halle (Saale).
; ; ; (2014) Повестка дня развития аграрной политики в Казахстане. IAMO Policy Brief No. 15, Halle (Saale).

; (2014) Mehr als "Museumsprämien"? Zur Förderung der ersten Hektare und Junglandwirte im Rahmen der EU-Agrarpolitik. IAMO Policy Brief No. 14, Halle (Saale).