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Leibniz Research Network on Crises in a Globalised World launched its new website

The Leibniz research network on Crises in a Globalised World which started in April has launched its own website: From today on it also provides information on their major research topics, ongoing projects and upcoming events in Facebook and Twitter. IAMO is one of the network’s twenty cooperating Leibniz Institutes analysing the mechanisms and the dynamic development of crises as well as their interdependencies. Based on a broadly designed systematic analysis they gain practice-oriented insights needed for understanding current risks and dangers. By this potential crisis situations shall be better anticipated or mitigated. The focus lies on crises in the financial market and debt crises, world food crises, environmental crises and crises in political systems.

Within the Leibniz research network on Crises in a Globalised World, IAMO is involved in projects on the EURO crisis, economic crises from a historic-comparative perspective, speculative agricultural commodity trading, and international price transmission.