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Governing multifunctional agriculture in the EU

Workshop on how policies can benefit both biodiversity and agriculture to be held within the MULTAGRI project

On October 12, 2016 the workshop "Governing multifunctional agriculture in the EU - how can policies benefit both biodiversity and agriculture?" is to be held at the Skåne European Office in Brussels. It is organized within the MULTAGRI project, an ERA-NET (FP7) effort to investigate how rural development can be realized through multifunctional agricultural land use. Besides IAMO project partners within MULTAGRI are the Universities Lund (Sweden), Wageningen (The Netherlands), Leuphana (Germany) and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences as well as the Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences (Switzerland) and the French institutes INRA and L'IGEPP. Selected national and European stakeholders are invited to the workshop in Brussels to exchange expertise and ideas.

So far the results gained within the project are among others published in the following Policy Briefs: