Egamberdiev, Bekhzod; Bobojonov, Ihtiyor; Kuhn, Lena; Glauben, Thomas (2023) Household resilience capacity and food security: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan. Food Security 15 (4): 967-988.
Götz, Linde; Svanidze, Miranda (2023) Getreidehandel und Exportbeschränkungen während des Ukrainekrieges. Wirtschaftsdienst 103 (13): 37-41.
Moritz, Laura; Kuhn, Lena; Bobojonov, Ihtiyor (2023) The role of peer imitation in agricultural index insurance adoption: Findings from lab-in-the-field experiments in Kyrgyzstan. Review of Development Economics 27 (3): 1649-1672.
Pinkow-Läpple, Janine (2023) ‘That’s so sexist!’ How highly skilled female return migrants try to shape gender norms in Kosovo. Central and Eastern European Migration Review 12 (2): 117-133.
Shang, Linmei; Wang, Jifeng; Schäfer, David; Heckelei, Thomas; Gall, Jürgen; Appel, Franziska; Storm, Hugo (2024) Surrogate modelling of a detailed farm-level model using deep learning. Journal of Agricultural Economics 75 (1): 235-260.
Soriano, Bárbara; Garrido, Alberto; Bertolozzi, Daniele; Accatino, Francesco; Antonioli, Federico; Krupin, Vitaliy; Meuwissen, Miranda; Ollendorf, Franziska; Rommel, Jens; Spiegel, Alisa; Tudor, Monica; Urquhart, Julie; Vigani, Mauro; Bardají, Isabel (2023) Actors and their roles for improving resilience of farming systems in Europe. Journal of Rural Studies 98: 134-146.
Wei, Yanbing; Müller, Daniel; Sun, Zhanli; Lu, Miao; Tang, Huajun; Wu, Wenbin (2023) Exploring the emergence and changing dynamics of a new integrated rice-crawfish farming system in China. Environmental Research Letters 18 (6): .
Gafarova, Gulmira; Perekhozhuk, Oleksandr; Glauben, Thomas (2023) The oligopolistic behavior of Kazakh and Russian wheat exporters in the South Caucasus: Evidence from a residual demand elasticity analysis. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 23 (1-2): 1-32.
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