
Edition 2/2023, 16 June 2023

News in this edition:

IAMO Forum 2023 starts in a few days +++ 20th Long Night of the Sciences in Halle +++ IAMO Policy Brief 46 published +++ Researchers criticize Brandenburg's draft of an agricultural structure law +++ and much more.

Foto: Quang Nguyen Vinh © Pexels


Photo: Gajus © Adobe Stock

This year's IAMO Forum will take place in Halle (Saale) from June 21 to 23 on the topic of "International Agricultural Trade, Geopolitics and Global Food Security". The detailed program can be found here:

Spaces and digitisation in the focus of the Leibniz Network R │ Photo: Gerd Altmann © Pixabay

On 4 and 5 July 2023, the Leibniz Research Network R is organising a conference on "Spatial Development and Digitalisation". IAMO has been part of the network "Spatial Knowledge for Society and Environment" since 2020. // read more //

Numerous research institutions in Halle (Saale) invite to the 20th Long Night of the Sciences on July 7, in which IAMO also takes part again. The full programm can be viewed here:


Photo: Jordan Cormack | Unsplash

The IAMO and Alumni IAMO e.V. invite applications to an international training for research managers on “Sustainable rural development: Research environment and funding opportunities”. Registrations are welcome until June 23.


Project news

IAMO scientists of the FarmAgriPoliS project | Photo: Niklas Gerlach

AgriPoliS helps researchers to understand how farm structures change within model regions and, in particular, how agricultural policy measures influence this process. The model is now freely available to researchers beyond the institute's borders. // read more //

Dr. Franziska Appel
Tel.: +49 345 2928-117

The IAMO research team visiting a rural resident in Kosovo © IAMO

IAMO research team conducted qualitative interviews with return migrants in Kosovo as part of the TraFF project. // read more //

Janine Pinkow-Läpple
Tel.: +49 345-2928-219

Dr. Thomas Dufhues
Tel.: +49 345 2928-148

CAWAMNET workshop participants © IAMO

From 27 to 28 April 2023, a stakeholder workshop was jointly organized by IAMO and the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC) took place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. // read more //

Dr. Kathleen Hermans
Tel.: +49 345 2928-142

Dr. Nodir Djanibekov
Tel.: +49 345 2928-128

Participants of the Annual Meeting © IAMO

On 15-17 March 2023 IAMO hosted the annual meeting of the project "Modelling Individual Decisions to Support the European Policies Related to Agriculture" (MIND STEP). // read more //

Dr. Franziska Appel
Tel.: +49 345 2928-117


Global agricultural trade as a safety net in times of crisis +++ EEU Membership of Armenia and Kyrgyzstan +++ Sustainability in industrial crop production +++ Flexibilization and differentiation in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EU +++ Read all articles in German in the new IAMO Annual!


In the new policy brief, the authors examine the adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) among farmers in Central Asia. The analyses are important for the private sector and public authorities to develop strategies that promote digital transformation in Central Asia's agriculture. // read more //

Dr. Nodir Djanibekov
Tel.: +49 345 2928-128

Photo: Leomalsam © Adobe Stock

The draft agricultural structure law of the state of Brandenburg, Germany, provides for extensive interventions in the agricultural land market. In the recent policy brief by the DFG research group FORLand, scientists analyze the draft and criticize numerous flawed basic assumptions in it. Read the findings in German here. // read more //

Prof. Dr. Alfons Balmann
Tel.: +49 345 2928-300

Photo: Stijn te Strake © Unsplash

The report conducted by IAMO scientists Daniel Müller and Florian Schierhorn illustrates that the AFOLU sector in Kosovo can make a significant contribution to reducing emissions in the country if policy plans are followed. // read more //

Foto: Mila Teshaieva

In her new publication, published in the Central and Eastern European Migration Review, Janine Pinkow-Läpple analyzes the relationship between migration and gender norms. The article shows that highly qualified female returnees have a great potential to strengthen liberal gender norms in Kosovo. // read more //

Janine Pinkow-Läpple
Tel.: +49 345-2928-219


Thomas Glauben and rector Vardan Urutyan after the signing

Rector of the Armenian National Agricultural University (ANAU) Vardan Urutyan and IAMO Director Thomas Glauben signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Yerevan on April 13 to further intensify the cooperation between the two institutions in the field of agricultural research. // read more //

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Thomas Glauben
Tel.: +49 345 2928-200

News from IAMO institute

Research data | Photo: Joanna Parkinson © Adobe Stock

At IAMO, a research data guideline now provides a framework for the management of scientific data. // read more //

Dr. Stephan Brosig
Tel.: +49 345 2928-222

Recent IAMO research projects


+++ The International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS) honors IAMO researcher Antje Jantsch with the Young Scholar Award 2023. ISQOLS is an international society of scholars studying quality of life and well-being. They recognize Antje's work and expertise in the field of quality of life as particularly meritorious and present her with the award in August at the annual ISQOLS conference in Rotterdam. +++ An article by IAMO researchers Linde Götz and Miranda Svanidze has been recognized as one of the most downloaded articles in AEPP (Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy): Svanidze, M., L. Götz and D. Serebrennikov (2021): The influence of the 2010/11 wheat export ban on spatial market integration and transaction costs of grain markets in Russia, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. The interest in IAMO's expertise on international agricultural markets, supply situations and price developments of agricultural commodities is very much in demand in view of the global crises, which is also shown by numerous reports of IAMO in the media. +++ We welcome new staff members at the Institute: Arbnora Shala and Lirika Demiri in the Agricultural Policy Department, Shuhui Yang and Anurag Ajay in the Structural Change Department, Yaroslav Kapustianskyi in the Agricultural Markets Department, and Andreas Zeng in the Department Administration and Central Services/Technical Support. We wish them all a warm welcome and good collaboration! +++

Further selected publications

; ; ; (2023) Household resilience capacity and food security: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan. Food Security 15 (4): 967-988.

; (2023) Getreidehandel und Exportbeschränkungen während des Ukrainekrieges. Wirtschaftsdienst 103 (13): 37-41.

; ; (2023) The role of peer imitation in agricultural index insurance adoption: Findings from lab-in-the-field experiments in Kyrgyzstan. Review of Development Economics 27 (3): 1649-1672.

(2023) ‘That’s so sexist!’ How highly skilled female return migrants try to shape gender norms in Kosovo. Central and Eastern European Migration Review 12 (2): 117-133.

; ; ; ; ; ; (2024) Surrogate modelling of a detailed farm-level model using deep learning. Journal of Agricultural Economics 75 (1): 235-260.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2023) Actors and their roles for improving resilience of farming systems in Europe. Journal of Rural Studies 98: 134-146.

; ; ; ; ; (2023) Exploring the emergence and changing dynamics of a new integrated rice-crawfish farming system in China. Environmental Research Letters 18 (6): .

; ; (2023) The oligopolistic behavior of Kazakh and Russian wheat exporters in the South Caucasus: Evidence from a residual demand elasticity analysis. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 23 (1-2): 1-32.

// List of publications //

Published by:

Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO)
Theodor-Lieser-Straße 2
06120 Halle (Saale)


Public Relations
Email: presse(at)

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