Abbasiharofteh, Milad; Brökel, Tom (2021) Still in the shadow of the wall? The case of the Berlin biotechnology cluster. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 53 (1): 73-94.
Aziz, Noshaba; Ren, Yanjun; Rong, Kong; Zhou, Jin (2021) Women’s empowerment in agriculture and household food insecurity: Evidence from Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK), Pakistan. Land Use Policy 102: .
Dai, Xiaowen; Sun, Zhanli; Müller, Daniel (2021) Driving factors of direct greenhouse gas emissions from China’s pig industry from 1976 to 2016. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 1 (20): 319-329.
Kvartiuk, Vasyl; Herzfeld, Thomas (2021) Redistributive politics in Russia: The political economy of agricultural subsidies. Comparative Economic Studies 63 (1): 1-30.
Ostapchuk, Igor; Gagalyuk, Taras; Epstein, David; Dibirov, Abusupyan (2021) What drives the acquisition behavior of agroholdings? Performance analysis of agricultural acquisition targets in Northwest Russia and Ukraine. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 24 (4): 593-613.
Rajkovic, Borislav; Duric, Ivan; Zaric, Vlade; Glauben, Thomas (2021) Gaining trust in the digital age: The potential of social media for increasing the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises. Sustainability 13 (4): .
Wen, Lanjiao; Chatalova, Lioudmila; Gao, Xin; Zhang, Anlu (2021) Reduction of carbon emissions through resource-saving and environment-friendly regional economic integration – Evidence from Wuhan metropolitan area, China. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 166: .
Wilde, Kerstin; Hermans, Frans (2021) Deconstructing the attractiveness of biocluster imaginaries. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 23 (2): 227-242.
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