
Edition 1/2016, 8 March 2016

Playful experience of structural change in agriculture

(c) IAMO

IAMO researchers have developed the simulation game FarmAgriPoliS through their research on strategic management of agricultural enterprises. The simulation game makes it possible to try out different scenarios of corporate management and is available for download at The player takes over a farm in a model region of the spatially dynamic agricultural structure model AgriPoliS and makes strategic decisions about investments and leases. The player must consider regional production conditions, price and policy uncertainties, the cost structure of his or her farm, and the behavior of competing companies when making his or her decisions. Players can register their score in a highscore list. Since its launch on 25 January, FarmAgriPoliS has been downloaded 261 times. For now the best match result is 25009, meaning the current best player has reached an equity that is 2500 percent higher than the computer agent with the same company. The development of the software and the preparation for public use of FarmAgriPoliS was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Edmund Rehwinkel Foundation.

For more information and to download the game, see

Franziska Appel und Changxing Dong

Political economy of agricultural policies in federal systems

(c) vschlichting /

The comparative analysis of the formation and development of agricultural policies at the sub-federal level from a political economy perspective is the focus of the project FEDAGRIPOL. It will start in April 2016 and run for three years. Researchers from the Moscow-based Higher School of Economics (HSE), Russian Federation, and IAMO aim to explain the behaviour of regulators (i.e., ministries, governments) at the level of EU member states and Russian provinces with respect to the choice of agricultural policy instruments and their implementation. FEDAGRIPOL will thus fill important gaps in understanding the choices of EU member states and Russian oblasts in implementing the agricultural policy framework decided upon at the higher level. Results of the FEDAGRIPOL project shall contribute to a better understanding of the development of agricultural production and structural change depending on the particular policy regime and institutional framework. FEDAGRIPOL is funded by the Leibniz Association. More information

Thomas Herzfeld
Tel.: +49 345 2928-100


German-Ukrainian Agricultural Policy Dialogue extended

The German-Ukrainian Agricultural Policy Dialogue (APD) has been extended until the end of 2018. The project, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) in 2006, provides advisory support for agricultural policy makers in Ukraine on how to sustainably develop the agricultural sector and rural areas. In particular, the program encourages the methodological training of decision-makers and the establishment of German-Ukrainian partnerships. IAMO has been a partner in the project since 2013 which will be realized over the next three years together with IAK Agrar Consulting GmbH (IAK) and AFC Consultants International (AFC). The Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting (IER) continues to provide operative project support on the Ukrainian side.

More information on the IAMO website and the APD project website.

Franziska Schaft
Tel.: +49 345 2928-229


IAMO Forum 2016. Get your early bird ticket beginning 18 March

(c) Budimir Jevtic /

This year’s IAMO Forum takes place from 22 to 24 June and will focus on "Rural Labor in Transition: Structural Change, Migration and Governance" at IAMO’s conference facilities in Halle (Saale), Germany. We look forward to inspiring and engaging keynote speeches by such renowned speakers as, among others, Amelie F. Constant, program director, "Migration" at the Germany-based Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Johannes Koettl, senior economist at the World Bank’s Social Protection and Labor Global Practice (GSPDR), and Cheng Fang, trade economist at the Trade and Markets Division of the FAO. On the first two days the conference will focus on spatial migration and implications for rural development and on cross-sectoral migration and structural changes in rural labor markets. The third day of the conference is dedicated to a dialogue between research and practice. Representatives from science, politics, and practice will then discuss the future of rural labor markets. From 18 March to 1 May early bird tickets are available for the conference at a special price of 270 euros instead of 345 euros. Bachelor’s and Master’s students pay only 30 euros when registering before May 1, instead of 50 euros. The conference is sponsored by German Research Foundation (DFG) and the German Federal State Saxony-Anhalt.

Conference website:

IAMO Forum 2016
Rural Labor in Transitions: Structural Change, Migration and Governance

22 – 24 June 2016 | Halle (Saale), Germany
Twitter with us
: #iamoForum16

Vasyl Kvartiuk, Diana Traikova
Tel.: +49 345 2928-101


Agricultural Transitions along the Silk Road

Harvest in Kazakhstan (c) Vasca /

A total of 176 participants have registered for the IAAE Inter-Conference Symposium "Agricultural Transitions along the Silk Road", taking place from 4 to 6 April in the Kazakh National Agrarian University (KazNAU), Almaty, Kazakhstan. The conference program includes 90 oral and poster presentations across 27 sessions. The aim of the IAAE Inter-Conference Symposium is to provide a platform for knowledge exchange, discussion, and networking around the sub-themes agricultural restructuring, natural resource management, and regional trade and integration. The symposium is jointly organized by the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), Kazakh National Agrarian University (KazNAU), and IAMO. Financial support is generously provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and IAAE.

IAAE Inter-Konferenz Symposium
Agricultural Transition along the Silk Road: Restructuring, Resources and Trade in the Central Asia Region

4 – 6 April 2016 | Almaty, Kazakhstan
Twitter with us: #SilkRoadConf

Nodir Djanibekov
Tel.: +49 345 2928–128


Days of Agricultural Economics in Ukraine. Submit your abstract until 1 April

The "Days of Agricultural Economics in Ukraine" will take place in Kiev from 19 to 21 September. This year the 155th EAAE Seminar on "European Agriculture towards 2030 - Perspectives for further East-West Integration" and the VII International Large Farm Management Conference are aligned. 21 September is planned as a joint conference day. Abstracts for both events can be submitted until 1 April. More information can be found on the conference website of the 155th EAAE Seminar and the VII International Large Farm Management Conference. IAMO Director Alfons Balmann and the researchers Linde Götz, Martin Petrick, and Axel Wolz from IAMO are appointed to the internationally staffed program committee.

Days of Agricultural Economics in Ukraine
19 - 21 September 2016 | Kiev, Ukraine
More information

Ansprechpartner 155. EAAE Seminar:
Axel Wolz
Tel.: +49 345 2928–114

Ansprechpartner VII International Large Farm Management Conference:
Alfons Balmann
Tel.: +49 345 2928–300

Agricultural insurance in Europe. Submit your abstract by 1 May

The 156th EAAE Seminar focuses on "Prospects for agricultural insurance in Europe". From 3 to 4 October representatives from science, policy, and practice will meet in Wageningen, The Netherlands, to learn about the current state of research, exchange ideas, and explore prospects for agricultural insurance markets in Europe. IAMO researcher Linde Götz is a member of the seminar’s program committee. Abstracts may be submitted until 1 May. The 156th EAAE Seminar is organized by the Business Economics group (BEC ) at Wageningen University, The Netherlands.

156th EAAE Seminar
Prospects for agricultural insurance in Europe

3 - 4 October 2016 | Wageningen, The Netherlands
More information

Linde Götz
Tel.: +49 345 2928–327


sciencemeetscompanies 2016

Career fair Halle (c) Herr Bohn | Fotografie

IAMO will participate in sciencemeetscompanies, a major career fair for agricultural, food, and natural sciences in central Germany, in Halle (Saale) on 26 May 2016. Students interested in promotional activities at an agricultural research institute can attend the short presentation "Career in Sciences" (11:30 - 11:50 am, seminar room of the Biozentrum). IAMO researcher Martin Petrick will explain various career options, fields of professional activity, and prerequisites for application. Furthermore, all visitors are invited to talk with PhD students from 10 am – 4 pm at the IAMO booth. Participation in the career fair is free of charge and registration is not required. The event will be organized by Studentische Förderinitiative der Naturwissenschaften e.V.

Please find further information here.

sciencemeetscompanies 2016
26 May 2016 | 10 am – 4 pm
Biozentrum | Weinbergweg 22 | Halle (Saale)

Daniela Schimming
Tel.: +49 345 2928-330


DAAD Alumni Summer School

(c) shotsstudio /

IAMO will hold a Summer School on "Legal and Economic Challenges for Sustainable Food Security in the 21st Century" from 12 to 16 September 2016 under the direction of the Faculty of Law and Economics of the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg (MLU). International alumni of both institutions are invited to participate in the DAAD-funded summer school. Interested alumni can request application documents from Marianne Mueller Albinsky, research coordinator of IAMO. The official call for participation will be published at the end of March. During the summer school the participants will have an introductory day and then deal each day with a different aspect of food security: agronomic issues, business law aspects, and human rights issues. The last day is reserved for the exchange of experiences with representatives from the practice, for example, individuals working for NGOs and in development cooperation. Advantages and disadvantages of individual models, based on case studies, are to be discussed. The summer school is coordinated by Christian Tietje, executive director of the Institute of Business Law at the MLU.

DAAD Alumni Summer School
Legal and Economic Challenges for Sustainable Food Security in the 21st Century

12 – 16 September 2016
Halle (Saale), Germany

More information and application documents:
Marianne Müller-Albinsky
Tel.: +49 345 2928-337


Why professionals in agriculture are missing

Lively debates at Alfa Agrar Conference (c) Markus Scholz / IAMO

During the conference "Agriculture: A workplace with Future?!", 17 to 19 February at IAMO, scientists from various disciplines discussed the extent and consequences of the lack of skilled labor in the agricultural sector. According to several experts, automation will continue to move forward due to rising wages of skilled workers. Due to their low value-added products, farms can hardly compete with other industries for skilled workers. At the same time, they are struggling to attract previously under-represented groups such as women and migrants. New approaches for training are required to increase the personal and social skills of executives. The presentations from the conference are available for download (in German only). The event was part of the research project "Competence Management to Promote Skilled Foreign Workers in Agriculture (Alfa Agrar)" and jointly organized by IAMO, the Center for Social Research in Halle at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, and the agricultural company Barnstädt e.G. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supported the conference. For a detailed summary (in German only) of the conference please see the press release from 22 February, 2016.

Martin Petrick
Tel.: +49 345 2928–120


Contribution of agriculture to biodiversity

MULTAGRI workshop (c) Viktoriya Hrubas / IAMO

Experts from science and administration participated in a workshop with farmers and representatives of conservation organizations to explore the potential of agriculture to maintain and improve biodiversity as part of the MULTAGRI project. Organized by IAMO researcher Amanda Sahrbacher, the workshop "Improving biodiversity: What can agriculture contribute?" was held at the Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture, and Geology on 24 February. The 41 participants debated on the scope, design, and sense of ecological priority areas from an environmental and economic point of view. These areas are part of the EU under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)-adopted "greening" measures. The participants also exchanged views on alternative decision-making processes for the protection of biodiversity. On 15 March, a similar workshop will be held in Sweden. In September the results of these workshops organized within the MULTAGRI project will then be presented during a transdisciplinary workshop to representatives of the EU. The goal is for the researchers involved in MULTAGRI to inform the policymakers on actual impact, obstacles, and challenges of the approved CAP policy measures at a local level.

More information on the project MULTAGRI

Amanda Sahrbacher
Tel. +49 345 2928-135


Russian researchers inform themselves about transformation of East German agriculture

Russian delegation also visited Dres. Kübler GbR in Naundorf, Germany (c) Martin Petrick / IAMO

From 24 - 26 February Natalia Shagaida, Vasily Uzun and Alexander Nikulin of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) from Moscow visited IAMO. The historian Stephan Merl from Bielefeld University accompanied the group. For the Russian delegation it was after 1992, 1997 and 2001, the fourth visit in East Germany. The focus was on issues of agricultural transformation and development paths of farms since the collapse of the GDR and the Soviet Union. While in East Germany also due to the generous subsidies the transition into a market economy has been very successful, Russia has indeed become one of the major grain exporters in the world, but many farms are not fully competitive. The participants exchanged experiences with IAMO researchers and guests from Central Asia in workshops and visited four farms in the region to discuss with the managers in detail the development of the past 25 years.

Axel Wolz
Tel.: +49 345 2928-114



(c) Markus Scholz / IAMO

IAMO researcher Ivan Djuric was a member of the delegation of the Leibniz Association, which traveled to Colombia from 27 February to 5 March. Researchers from nine Leibniz institutes accompanied Leibniz President Matthias Kleiner to strengthen the relationship between research institutes of the two countries. +++ Irina Dolgopolova successfully defended her doctoral thesis "Essays on Consumers' Perceptions and Valuations of Health - enhancing attribute in Food Products" on 25 January. The IAMO PhD student now works at the Department of Marketing and Consumer Research at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. +++ IAMO Director Thomas Glauben has been appointed to the Advisory Board of the German Forum Modern Agriculture. The common concern of the forum, an association of agricultural associations, organizations and companies and upstream and downstream sectors of agriculture, is to facilitate the dialogue between society and today's modern agriculture. +++ The study "What is keeping the poor out of college?: enrollment rates , educational barriers and college matriculation in China" it was included in the top ten citation list, from 2009 to 2015, of the China Agricultural Economic Review. IAMO Director Thomas Glauben and Xiaobing Wang, who has completed her dissertation at IAMO, are among the authors. The study was published in 2011 in issue 3 of the China Agricultural Economic Review. +++ From March to June 2016 IAMO researcher Heinrich Hockmann is a visiting professor at the Institute of World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest. There he will work with Imre Fertö, Zoltan Bakucs, and Lajos Barath on a project modeling the dynamic allocative and technical efficiency in Hungarian agriculture.



(c) yurolaitsalbert /

IAMO invites three scientists from Caucasus and Central Asia to conduct up to two months of research during a stay at IAMO. Visiting scientists will conduct research activities related to the topics of the project "Regional and international integration in Caucasus and Central Asia: The recent changes in trade policies (RIITP)" financed by DAAD. The main aim of the project is to investigate tradeoffs emerging from recent developments in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) and accession of several countries in the region to the World Trade Organization (WTO). For detailed information see here.



all publications

IAMO Annual 2016 Download German
IAMO Annual 2015 Download Englisch Download German

IAMO Discussion Papers
Petrick, M., Djanibekov, N. (2016): Obstacles to crop diversification and cotton harvest mechanisation: Farm survey evidence from two contrasting districts in Uzbekistan, IAMO Discussion Paper No. 153, Halle (Saale). Download

Further selected publications
Balgah, R. A., Buchenrieder, G., Mbue, I. N.* BALGAH, R. A., BUCHENRIEDER, G., MBUE, I. N. (Hrsg.) (2015): When nature frowns: A comprehensive impact assessment of the 2012 Babessi floods on people's livelihoods in rural Cameroon. Download

Balmann, A., Chatalova, L., Gagalyuk, T., Valentinov, V. (2016): Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung in der landwirtschaftlichen Tretmühle: Moderne Landwirtschaft, technologische Tretmühle und gesellschaftliche Entfremdung - Folgen, Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze, in: DLG e.V. (Hrsg.): Moderne Landwirtschaft zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit - Eine kritische Analyse, Archiv der DLG (Band 110), DLG-Wintertagung 2016, München 11.-13. Januar 2016, S. 147-170.

Bavorova, M., Unay Gailhard, I, Lehberger, M. (2016): Who buys from farmers' markets and farm shops: A case of Germany, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 107-114. Download

Burggraf, C., Teuber, R., Brosig, S., Glauben, T. (2015): Economic growth and the demand for dietary quality: Evidence from Russia during transition, Economics and Human Biology, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 184-203. Download

Dolgopolova, I., Teuber, R., Bruschi, V. (2015): Consumers' perceptions of functional foods: Trust and food-neophobia in a cross-cultural context, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 708-715. Download

Kasarjyan, M., Buchenrieder, G. (2015): Do social networks improve access to resourses? The case of transitional Armenia, in: Fertig, G. (ed): Social Networks, political institutions, and rural societies (Rural History in Europe).

Kopsidis, M. (2016): Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen (1818-1888), in: Institut für bankhistorische Forschung (Hrsg.), Sozialreformer, Modernisierer, Bankmanager - Biographische Skizzen aus der Geschichte des Kreditgenossenschaftswesens, S. 59-77. Weitere Informationen/Bestellung

Kvartiuk, V. (2016): Participation and Local Governance Outcomes: Evidence from Ukraine, Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. Download

Kvartiuk, V. (2015): Osteuropa als Quelle für landwirtschaftliche Fachkräfte in Deutschland?, Berichte über Landwirtschaft, Jg. 93, Nr. 3, S. 1-22. Download

Lapa, V., Gagalyuk, T., Ostapchuk, I. (2015): The emergence of agroholdings and patterns of land use in Ukraine, in: Schmitz, A., Meyers, W. H. (eds.): Transition of Agricultural Market Economies - The Future of Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine, S. 102-110. Download

Levers, C., Müller, D., Erb, K.-H., Haberl, H., Jepsen, M.R., Metzger, M. J., Meyfroidt, P., Plieninger, T., Plutzar, C., Stürck, J. Verburg, P. H., Verkerk, P. J., Kuemmerle, T. (2016): Archetypical patterns and trajectories of land systems in Europe, Regional Environmental Change. Download

Li, J., Bluemling, B., Dries, L. (Hrsg: Springer) (2016): Property Rights Effects on Farmers' Management Investment in Forestry Projects: The Case of Camellia in Jiangxi, China. Download

Loy, J.-P., Weiss, C. R., Glauben, T. (2016): Asymmetric cost pass-through? Empirical evidence on the role of market power, search and menu costs, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 123, pp. 184-192. Download

Meyfroidt, P., Schierhorn, F., Prishchepov, A.V., Müller, D., Kuemmerle, T. (2016): Drivers, constraints and trade-offs associated with recultivating abandoned cropland in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, Global Environmental Change, Vol. 37, pp. 1-15. Download

Miao, L., Fraser, R., Sun, Z., Sneath, D., He, B. Cui, X. (2016): Climate impact on vegetation and animal husbandry on the Mongolian plateau: a comparative analysis, Natural Hazards, Vol. 80, No. 2, pp. 727-739. Download

Nilsson, J., Golovina, S., Hess, S., Wolz, A. (2016): Governance of Production Cooperatives in Rusian Agriculture, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics. Download

Unay Gailhard, I., Baqueiro, O. (2015): Adaptation of a Microsimulation Model at the Municipality Level: Demographic and Employment Evolution in the Altmark Region of Germany, SIMULATION: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International. Download

Valentinov, V., Chatalova, L. (2016): Institutional economics and social dilemmas: a systems theory perspective, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 138-149. Download

Wegerich, K., Soliev, I., Akramova, I. (2016): Dynamics of water reallocation and cost implications in the transboundary setting of Ferghana Province, Central Asian Survey. Download

Wegerich, K., Van Rooijen, D., Soliev, I., Mukhamedova, N. (2015): Water Security in the Syr Darya Basin, Water, Vol. 7, No. 9, pp. 4657-4684. Download


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(c) Ralf Kircheis / IAMO

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Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO)
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06120 Halle (Saale)


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