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Workshop of agricultural policies and agriculture support in Russia

IAMO jointly with All-Russian Institute of Agricultural Issues and Informatics (VIAPI) carried out a workshop “Agricultural Policies and Agriculture Support in Russia: Theory and Practice” at the Moscow State University, Russia, on 25 October 2017.

Apart from the FEDAGRIPOL team of five persons, the event gathered leading Russian scientists from Moscow and Russian regions in the area of agricultural economics in order to discuss the formation of agricultural policies from a modern political economy perspective as well as the effects of these policies on agricultural sector. Distribution of agricultural subsidies among the agricultural producers was in the Workshop’s focus. In particular, participants shared their views about the effect of political factors on unequal agricultural support distribution using both European and Russian experiences. Among the outcomes of the event was development of a plan for future collaboration between IAMO and VIAPI within the FEDAGRIPOL Project and beyond. Financial support for the workshop was provided by the Leibniz Association via the program “Leibniz Competition”.


Dr. Vasyl Kvartiuk

Dr. Vasyl Kvartiuk

Research Associate
Room: 213

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