IAMO researchers Franziska Hauff and Taras Gagalyuk have again guest-edited another edition of Ukraine-Analysen this year. In the 308th issue, the editors shed light on how Ukrainian agriculture is faring today, more than 1,000 days after the start of Russia's war of aggression, and where it is heading in the future. Together with Valentyn Litvinov from the Kyiv School of Economics, Taras Gagalyuk and Inna Levkovych also take a closer look at the impact on the agricultural labour market. They emphasise the importance of efficient statistical monitoring - even in times of war. At the same time, the issue looks to a possible future: ‘Ukrainian agriculture and the EU: will it work?’ asks IAMO director Alfons Balmann, as quite a few voices in Europe and Germany see this project as endangering family or multi-family farming in Europe in the long term. How justified are these arguments? Is Ukraine's accession reasonable for European structures?
Ukraine-Analysen on challenges and opportunities for Ukrainian agriculture
IAMO researchers edited a new issue of Ukraine-Analysen entitled "Challenges for Ukrainian Agriculture". It discusses the state of Ukrainian agriculture, its labour market as well as the prospect of EU accession.
Dr. Franziska Hauff
Deputy Head of Department Structural Change
Scientific Coordinator IAMO Graduate School
Room: 137