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Speed Dating with the Sciences

Within the event series “Book a Scientist”, IAMO researcher Frans Hermans answered questions on the topic “The role of biocluster in the transition to a bioeconomy” on 18 March 2021.

Bioclusters are geographically proximate groups of interconnected companies and associated organizations (for example, universities, standards agencies, and trade associations) working on the bioeconomy. An important distinction between regular industrial clusters and bioeconomy clusters is the additional goal of sustainable development that bioclusters are expected to generate. Different types of bioclusters can be identified, for instance agricultural agglomerations, green chemistry clusters, Marshallian bio-districts and life science clusters. Each of these different types has different strengths and weaknesses with regard to regional sustainable development.

In the event format “Book a Scientist”, experts from the Leibniz institutes discuss questions on topics that touch on everyday life. The 25-minute individual talks between people interested in science and researchers take place virtually and are initiated by the Leibniz Association.


Dr. Ir. Frans Hermans

Dr. Ir. Frans Hermans

Research Associate
Room: 241

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