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PhD students from Central Asia take part in AGRICHANGE Winter School

For the second time a Winter School is to be hosted at IAMO in the framework of the project "AGRICHANGE - Institutional change in land and labour relations of Central Asia’s irrigated agriculture".

From 20 February until 24 March fourPhD students from Central Asia are staying in Halle (Saale). The guests come from the Samarkand Agricultural Institute in Uzbekistan, from the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC) in Almaty, Kazakhstan, and the Turar Ryskulov New Economic University, based in Almaty too. Together with ten IAMO graduates they will practice critical thinking and academic writing and learn how to use the statistical software Stata. Besides participating at this intensive training they will have time for their own research projects and have a closer look on institutional change in land and labour relations of Central Asia’s irrigated agriculture. AGRICHANGE is sponsored by the VolkswagenStiftung within the funding initiative "Between Europe and the Orient – A Focus on Research and Higher Education in/on Central Asia and the Caucasus".


Prof. Dr. Martin Petrick

Prof. Dr. Martin Petrick

IAMO Visiting Research Fellow

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Dr. Nodir Djanibekov

Dr. Nodir Djanibekov

Research Associate
Room: 119

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Further Information