Dr. Jennifer Hauck, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Leipzig, gave an introductory presentation about transdisciplinarity and her own experiences with stakeholder involvement in research. In the following panel, IAMO staff discussed how to involve non-academic stakeholders in research processes. Stakeholder involvement has become an important aspect in relation to sustainable development. Transdisciplinarity is a mode of research in which actors from outside academia are involved into the research process in order to integrate the different types of knowledge, reconcile different values and preferences as well as create problem ownerships and potential solutions.
The publication of the handout “Sustainability Management in Research Organizations” set the foundation to create the working group on Sustainability at IAMO. Based on IAMO-specific priorities, it aims to individually and collectively address the areas of activity (organization management, research, personnel, buildings & infrastructure, and supportive processes) that are presented in the Guidelines for Sustainability (LeNa). Furthermore these guidelines are used to identify areas of need and systematically integrate appropriate measures into the Institute's workflow. In the course of the year, three additional workshops are planned in the areas of research and management, personnel, and facility management.
Launch event by working group on Sustainability
Today, the IAMO working group on Sustainability organized a workshop on the topic of “transdisciplinary research”.