Together with partners from HU and FU Berlin, the universities of Bonn and Göttingen as well as BOKU Vienna, several research groups at IAMO study questions related to efficiency and regulation on agricultural land markets. IAMO researcher Johanna Jauernig studies with methods of experimental ethics why there is so much scepticism regarding the outcomes of land markets with a resulting call for more regulation and why this leads to long lasting political debates. Franziska Appel, Alfons Balmann, and Marten Graubner will develop a new version of the agent-based model of structural change AgriPoliS which models the land market behavior of competing farms with artificial intelligence. This will allow for a better understanding of the consequences of land market regulations for structural change. Daniel Müller will develop methods to quantify the concentration of agricultural land ownership, the fragmentation of ownership and land use, as well as their potential social and ecological consequences. Further information on FORLAND can be found here FORLAND — Department of Agricultural Economics (
Land market studies continue
After a successful evaluation, the DFG Research Unit FORLAND started its second funding phase. In the project questions related to efficiency and regulation on agricultural land markets are investigated.
Prof. Dr. Alfons Balmann
Director of IAMO
Head of Department Structural Change
Room: 140