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Kick-Off of the project GEO-WB6 in Tirana

On 27 March 2024, the official kick-off event for the project “Establishment of a Geoinformation Center for the Western Balkans” (GEO-WB6) took place at the Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania. The center is intended to support the agricultural sector in the Western Balkans during the EU accession process.

Within the framework of GEO-WB6, IAMO established a Geoinformation Center for the Western Balkans in cooperation with the Agricultural University of Tirana and with financial support from the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). The project aims to improve the training and scientific exchange of university and government employees in the field of geodata analysis. To this end, IAMO and the Agricultural University of Tirana will organize courses, summer schools and seminars on geographic information systems and remote sensing technologies. The project will also collect geodata from the entire Western Balkans region relating to agriculture and land use and make it available online in a data portal.

Speakers at the opening event

Fatbardh Sallaku
Rector of the Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania

Anila Denaj
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Republic of Albania

Karl Bergner
Ambassador of Germany in Tirana, Albania

Frank Müller
Regional Agricultural Counsellor, German Embassy in Skopje, North Macedonia

Razvan Ghitescu
Program Manager for Agriculture, European Union Delegation Tirana, Albania

Vilma Tomço
Director of Albanian State Authority for Geospatial Information

Daniel Müller
IAMO Scientist and Head of the Land Systems Group at IAMO


Max Hofmann

Max Hofmann

Research Associate
Room: 238

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