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International exchange of experiences on the monitoring of agricultural policies and agricultural markets

On November 28, 2022, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and IAMO held the workshop "Regional agricultural market information systems and policy monitoring."

The FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia and IAMO organized the hybrid exchange of experiences on monitoring of agricultural policies and producer prices on agricultural markets. More than 60 researchers, employees from agricultural ministries of numerous countries in Southeast Europe and Central Asia, as well as representatives of international organizations, took part in the one-day conference.

In the first part of the event, the internationally comparable monitoring of agricultural policy instruments using the indicators of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) was presented and illustrated using the country examples of Albania and Kazakhstan. The second part of the event focused on agricultural market information systems (AMIS), with case studies from Albania, China, North Macedonia, and Uzbekistan illustrating very different approaches. The presentation of the “OECD-FAO Medium Term Outlook” for the Europe and Central Asia region concluded the one-day event. Here, prospects regarding agricultural production and consumption until 2031 for the main agricultural markets and sub-regions of Eastern and Southern Europe as well as Central and Western Asia were presented. Key drivers of agricultural growth and climate-related emissions were discussed as well.



Prof. Dr. Thomas Herzfeld

Prof. Dr. Thomas Herzfeld

Director of IAMO
Head of Department Agricultural Policy
Room: 117

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