The delegation consisted of high-ranking representatives of the BMEL as well as representatives of German research institutes, universities and non-governmental and private organisations. Among other important destinations, the delegation members visited the International Agrarian University (IAU) in Tashkent. Ihtiyor Bobojonov introduced the delegation to the German-Uzbek Chair on Central Asian Agricultural Economics (GUCAI) at IAU, which was established in cooperation with IAMO and is headed by Bobojonov. The chair's activities were initially funded by the Volkswagen Foundation and are currently financed by national funds in Uzbekistan. During the presentation of the chair in capacity building, research and knowledge transfer, Ihtiyor Bobojonov emphasised the sustainability of such joint activities, as they are already embedded in the national research system. The delegation was impressed by the work of the chair and the high cooperation potential for German research institutes and universities.
Senior researcher accompanied delegation of the Parliamentary State Secretary to Uzbekistan
IAMO researcher Ihtiyor Bobojonov accompanied the delegation of the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) lead by Parliamentary State Secretary, Dr. Ophelia Nick MdB (Member of the German Bundestag), to Uzbekistan from 28 April to 2 May 2024.