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IAMO receives TOTAL E-QUALITY award

On 14 November 2020, IAMO was honoured with the TOTAL E-QUALITY e. V. certificate for equal opportunities and diversity at an official ceremony in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. For the third time, IAMO has been granted this award.

The TOTAL E-QUALITY award certifies the institute's successful and sustained commitment to equal opportunities in the workplace. In particular, IAMO's personnel policy is consistently gender and diversity-orientated. Inclusive and non-discriminatory processes in recruitment go well beyond the statutory requirements, such as the orientation of quantitative targets towards the cascade model. Employees regularly complete a web-based training module on equality, diversity and compliance. Active participation in external networks, including the Dual Career Network Central Germany and the Leibniz Association's Equal Opportunities Working Group, helps to effectively promote the career and personnel development of female academics. In addition to equal career opportunities with regard to the talents, capabilities and expertise of all genders, the institute attaches particular importance to ensuring and promoting the compatibility of work and family.

IAMO, which already received the award in 2013 and 2016, was again awarded the TOTAL E-QUALITY award for 2024. The award is presented for three years.

TEQ certificate (pdf)


Prof. Dr. Thomas Herzfeld

Prof. Dr. Thomas Herzfeld

Director of IAMO
Head of Department Agricultural Policy
Room: 117

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