The articles presented in Ukraine-Analysen No. 244 take a look at the hesitant reform and modernization processes in the agricultural sector and in agricultural research in Ukraine. With the aspects “land” and “knowledge”, they shed light on two central agricultural production factors.
The first paper discusses the dynamics of the reform processes in the Ukrainian agricultural land market and the legislative decision to lift the moratoria on the sale of agricultural land and the change in its use. Katja Dells, BVVG Bodenverwertungs- und -verwaltungs GmbH, and Christoph Konrad Gilgen, Deutsche Assoziation der Ukrainisten e.V., provide a review of the current developments in the reform process and the various interests of parties involved.
Public research, which in Ukraine is still mainly concentrated at the Academies of Science, suffers from financial and structural problems. The second article by IAMO Director Alfons Balmann and IAMO researcher Franziska Schaft uses the example of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) to illustrate development challenges and the need for reform of this institution. In particular, aspects such as the low level of internationalisation, hardly internationally visible research performance, deficits in methodological and theoretical training and a mismatch between the scope of tasks and personnel in relation to funding are addressed.
Ukraine-Analysen is a regular online publication providing assessments of current political, economic, social and cultural developments in Ukraine.
The issue (German language) is available for download here.