Integrating professionals from abroad into East German agribusinesses
Research project to develop human resource management tools which unlock the potential of professionals from abroad starts in January
Leibniz Research Network on Crises in a Globalised World launched its new website
The Leibniz research network on Crises in a Globalised World which started in April has launched its own website: From today on it also provides information on their major research topics, ongoing projects and upcoming events in Facebook and Twitter. IAMO is one of the…
Call for Papers IAMO Forum 2014
You are invited to submit a paper for IAMO Forum 2014 "The rise of the 'emerging economies': Towards functioning agricultural markets and trade".
Best paper at annual GEWISOLA conference
Linde Götz (IAMO), Feng Qui (University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada), Jean-Philippe Gervais (North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA) and Thomas Glauben (IAMO) are awarded for best paper at the annual conference of the German Association of Agricultural Economics (GEWISOLA). They won the award…
Prof. Alfons Balmann joins managing committee of GEWISOLA
IAMO Director Prof. Alfons Balmann has been elected as a member of the managing commitee of the German Association of Agricultural Economics (GEWISOLA) at the general assembly on 26 September 2013 in Berlin. New chairman is Prof. Roland Herrmann from the Institute of Agricultural Policy and Market…
IAMO honored with the 'TOTAL E-QUALITY’ Certificate
In recognition of the success of its continuous commitment to promote equal opportunities for men and women, this year for the first time IAMO was honored with the TOTAL E-QUALITY Certificate, issued by the Association TOTAL E-QUALITY Deutschland. The TOTAL E-QUALITY Certificate for the years 2013…
Russian agricultural research institute visits IAMO
On July 25, 2013 a delegation from the All-Russia Scientific Institute of the Organization of Production, Work and Management in Agriculture (VNIOPTUSH) visited IAMO. The directors Alexey Mindrin (VNIOPTUSH) and Alfons Balmann (IAMO) as well as several associates of both institutes discussed their…
IAMO Director Glauben is new section speaker and member of the Executive Board of the Leibniz Associationcher und Präsidiumsmitglied der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft
IAMO Director Thomas Glauben is new speaker of the Leibniz institutes dealing with economics, social sciences and spatial research. Gert G. Wagner, board member of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) was elected for deputy speaker. The election took place on June 20, 2013 in the…
International Bioeconomy Conference of the ScienceCampus Halle
Many of the well-known German representatives in the field of bioeconomy and renowned foreign scientists from Singapore/Malaysia to Berkeley/California had confirmed their participation in this year's conference of the ScienceCampus Halle (WCH) entitled “From Molecule to Society" on 6th and 7th…