IAMO Forum
At the IAMO Forum, IAMO annually brings together decision makers from research, politics and agribusiness to exchange knowledge and experience. At the 2003 established conference series international participants present and discuss current research findings, formulate recommendations for politics and define future relevant research topics.

IAMO Forum 2025
Rural Roots and Routes: Navigating Complexities of Quality of Life, Immobility, and Migration
18 - 20 June 2025 | Halle (Saale)
Rural regions around the world are increasingly affected by out-migration. People leave their homes for various reasons, such as in search of better economic opportunities or to escape conflict. Additionally, climate change is becoming an increasingly important factor in influencing migration patterns by affecting agricultural and living conditions. Population decline hampers regional development by reducing the capacity for innovation and growth. As social capital erodes and public infrastructure degrades, the quality of life for remaining residents declines, often driving further out-migration.
IAMO Forum 2024
The Functions of Land in Times of Change: Environmental, Social, and Economic perspectives
26 - 28 June 2024 | Halle (Saale)
Amidst rising competition for land resources and unprecedented global transformations, this conference aims to unravel the manifold functions and roles of land for our ever-evolving environment, society, and economy. We seek to understand how land contributes environmental sustainability, social equity, food security and economic prosperity. In an era marked by swift urbanization, conflicts and warfare, the climate and biodiversity crises, shifting land-use patterns, and changing demographics, understanding, managing, and harnessing the functions of land have become imperative. We aim to bring together experts from different disciplines with their particular perspectives. Our inter- and transdisciplinary conference provides a unique platform to share innovative insights, rigorous research, and practical solutions that address the complex challenges and opportunities associated with land use.
IAMO Forum 2023
International Agricultural Trade, Geopolitics and Global Food Security
21 - 23 June 2023 | Halle (Saale)
International agricultural trade is key to improving global food security. It ensures better access to more diversified and nutritious food, especially in low-income countries, and acts as a safety net against food shortages caused by climate risks, crises, political tensions and other shocks. However, recent supply chain disruptions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, extreme weather events and the war in Ukraine have posed serious challenges to international agricultural trade. Rising geopolitical risks, such as the China-US trade conflict and tensions between Russia and the West, are further challenging trade relations. Following a long period of reduced agricultural trade barriers, the global food economy could now be faced with growing isolation and autarky resulting from trade-restricting measures, such as sanctions and export restrictions.
IAMO Forum 2022
Enhancing resilience in a post-pandemic era:
challenges and opportunities for rural development
22 - 24 June 2022 | Halle (Saale), Germany
The Corona pandemic has affected rural areas in various ways all over the world. Its impacts stretched to agricultural trade, international mobility, livelihoods in rural areas and many other development aspects. Although agricultural production and food consumption remained on a rather stable path from a macroeconomic point of view, many effects at the level of rural households are still unknown and especially poorer countries may be faced with setbacks in their (rural) development efforts. How, for instance, will the drop in aggregate remittance flows spark off as a driver of poverty at the individual and community level? Are there long-lasting effects of personal illness on agricultural production or government’s containment measures at food supply chains to be expected? Which farms and rural areas are more resilient than others? Recent conceptualisations of resilience stress the adaptability of farms and households which will determine their resistance to future shocks. Often attention from policy and research dissipates quickly after acute events passed. However, when looking at the effects of this pandemic we should consider what are the long-term lessons from earlier crises such as the 2008 financial crisis, e.g., for remittance dependent households? Did at least some of them adapt and developed new livelihood strategies? How did agricultural trade flows adjust to shocks and do food import dependent countries with a more diversified trade structure enjoy a better food and nutrition security?
IAMO Forum 2021
Agrifood systems in the bioeconomy
07 - 09 June 2021 | Online conference
The transition to a bioeconomy is a potential game changer that may have a large impact on food and nutrition security, as well as on the ways in which agrifood systems are designed and operated. With breakthroughs in biotechnologies and a shift from fossil to renewable resources, the bioeconomy holds the potential to contribute to the sustainable development of agriculture and the countryside. At the same time, such game changing technologies and trends raise questions about the creation and evaluation of new markets and value chains, direct and indirect ecological effects at different scales and the effects of social inclusions and exclusion. Given that the bioeconomy is a relatively new field, there is significant demand for economic and interdisciplinary research to understand the potential of agricultural food systems in the transition to a bioeconomy.
IAMO Forum 2020
Digital transformation – towards sustainable food value chains in Eurasia
24 - 26 June 2020 | Online conference
Digital technologies reshape agricultural and food system not only in the EU but all over Eurasia creating new opportunities for more efficient, competitive and sustainable food value chains. As technological progress is rapid, prerequisites for a successful digital transformation are to be created in the form of supportive regulatory frameworks, infrastructure, human capital and consumers’ and producers’ trust. IAMO Forum 2020 aims to connect research, business, civil society and politics and promote debate on economic, social, environmental and institutional aspects of digital transformation of food value chains. The country focus is on economies of Europe, Central Asia and China, including comparative studies.
IAMO Forum 2019
Small farms in transition: How to stimulate inclusive growth?
26 – 28 June 2019 │ Halle (Saale), Germany
Farms below two hectares produce one third of the global food supply. Furthermore, they are engines of agricultural growth, a reserve employment source and an important element in securing social stability in rural areas of many European and Asian transition economies. However, their future is uncertain due to a low interest in farming of the younger generation and because agricultural policy instruments rather benefit medium-size and large farms. Against this background, the IAMO Forum 2019 addresses important challenges and focuses on the interlinkages between small farm development as well as agricultural and public policies. The drivers and consequences will be debated from a social sciences perspective, including economics, political sciences, sociology, anthropology and history. The regional focus lies primarily on Europe, Central Asia and China.
IAMO Forum 2018
Large-scale agriculture – for profit and society?
27 – 29 June 2018 | Halle (Saale), Germany
Agricultural production in transition and increasingly in developed and emerging economies is moving to larger farms. Highly integrated industrial-scale enterprises operating on hundred thousand hectares of farmland set new standards for agribusiness and attract growing interest on the part of non-agricultural investors. The IAMO Forum 2018 aims to address the economic, social, institutional, and managerial aspects of large-scale agriculture by providing a platform for presenting and discussing research on the related issues. The geographical focus of the conference is on the transition countries of Eastern Europe, the Former Soviet Union, and East Asia as well as developed and emerging countries in Europe, the Americas and Australia.
IAMO Forum 2017
Eurasian Food Economy between Globalization and Geopolitics
21. – 23. Juni 2017 | Halle (Saale)
Die Globalisierung macht es für eurasische Transformations- und Schwellenländer zwingend erforderlich, offene und international wettbewerbsfähige Ernährungswirtschaften zu schaffen. Gleichzeitig ergreifen verschiedene Regierungen Maßnahmen, die die Kontrolle ihrer einheimischen Nahrungsmittelproduktion verstärken, um den eigenen Agrar- und Ernährungssektor zu unterstützen und die Ernährungssicherheit zu verbessern. Das IAMO Forum 2017 bietet eine Plattform, um aktuelle Forschung und diverse Strategien zu diskutieren, die sich mit der Gewährleistung der Ernährungssicherheit und der Intensivierung des Handels im Kontext geopolitischer Spannungen sowie unterschiedlicher Handelsintegrationsbemühungen beschäftigen. Wir freuen uns über Einreichungen, die die Auswirkungen der Globalisierung und diverser Krisen auf die Akteure der Lebensmittelversorgungskette analysieren, auf nationale und internationale Märkte, auf Handelsströme, Lebensmittelsicherheit und auf Politikentscheidungen in Transformations- und Schwellenländern. Die Konferenz wird mit technischer Unterstützung der Ernährungs- und Landwirtschaftsorganisation der Vereinten Nationen (FAO) und in Partnerschaft mit dem Ost-Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft (OA) ausgerichtet.
IAMO Forum 2016
Rural Labor in Transition: Structural Change, Migration and Governance
22 – 24 June 2016 | Halle (Saale), Germany
The relevance of agriculture in formal employment dropped in many European, Central and East Asian countries over the previous decades. The mutually reinforcing and interdependent processes of non-agricultural sector development and urbanization have resulted in new dynamics and diversity in rural labour landscape. The IAMO Forum 2016 places the interlinkages between people’s mobility across localities, countries, sectors and types of employment as well as local economic development in the focus.The conference will be jointly organised with the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA). More information.
IAMO Forum 2015
Agriculture and climate change in transition economies
17 – 19 June 2015 | Halle (Saale), Germany
The three-day international conference will explore questions on how climate change influences global agricultural production and will feature three plenary sessions, six parallel sessions and a moderated panel discussion. The conference, jointly organized by IAMO and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), will focus on transition countries in Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and East Asia. The third day of the IAMO Forum 2015, called "Opportunities and challenges of climate-smart agriculture" will take place in collaboration with the Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations (OA). Conference language is English. On the third conference day simultaneous interpretation (English-German, German-English) will be provided.
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