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Picture a scientist - screening and panel discussion

Why is it that in our minds it is often still "the male scientist" when we think about who actually does science? The documentary PICTURE A SCIENTIST takes on the question why it still often is the male white scientist that comes to our minds when we hear the word „scientist“. In this film, leading female scientists in STEM take the audience on a journey through the experiences of their academic careers – as women of science.
In their careers they are exposed to discrimination right from the start. The documentary shows the a constant battle for recognition, respect and equality. And it gives hope because it tells the story of strength and solidarity, of courageous women scientists who stand up against injustice and start a global discourse on change and equality. In laboratories and fieldwork settings, it clearly shows the inestimable work of female researchers and how science can be moved for the better through systematic and structural upheaval.
The screening will be followed by the panel discussion. Together with IAMO scientists from all academic levels, we want to discuss how male science really still is and what we all can do to change it. Everybody is welcome to join and exchange ideas with us! Afterwards will be enough time for informal discussion and networking with food and drinks.
When: October 11th 2022, 3.30 pm
Where: Lecture Hall @IAMO, Theodor-Lieser-Str. 2, 06120 Halle


Kristin Leimer

Kristin Leimer

External Doctoral Researcher
Room: 131

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