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COMPETE: Parliamentary Evening in Berlin marks the close of the three-year research project

In the context of a Parliamentary Evening, IAMO Director Thomas Glauben on 29 September will present final project results and policy recommendations from the research project COMPETE.

The three-year project COMPETE examined an international comparison of European product supply chains in the agro-food sector. Funded by the EU Commission, COMPETE allowed experts from ten countries to work together. Findings reveal that European food production is characterized by large differences in structure, productivity and balance of payments. Accordingly, European Member States will lose further market share to international competitors if no industry-specific coordinated political measures are implemented. In addition to the welcome speech by Christoph Minhoff, General Manager of the Federation of German Food and Drink Industries (BVE), the Chairman of the BVE, Wolfgang Ingold, will talk about the conclusions of the competitiveness of German food chains.

The event is by invitation only but will be accompanied on Twitter @bve_online #ParlAbendBVE and the facebook site of BVE.

COMPETE Parliamentary Evening
29 September 2015 | 6:00 pm
Hilton Berlin Gendarmenmarkt, 10117 Berlin, Germany


Dr. Inna Levkovych

Dr. Inna Levkovych

Research Associate
Room: 232

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