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BAKU Conference

In cooperation with the Institute of Scientific Research on Economic Reforms (ISRER), IAMO organizes a conference entitled “Agriculture Trade and Foreign Investments for Sustainable Regional Integration in Caucasus and Central Asia” in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 6 to 7 September 2018. The event is funded by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

The aim of this conference is to serve as a platform to discuss options of regional integration in Caucasus and Central Asian countries and explore opportunities for increasing agricultural exports from these countries. Furthermore, options for boosting investment opportunities from European companies in agro-food sector will be discussed.

Researchers, representatives of ministries as well as local and German companies involved in agricultural supply chains and trade will be invited to the conference for multidisciplinary and cross-sectorial discussions. The workshop will be conducted in English as well as in Russian in order to provide opportunity to employees of government agencies and company representatives to present their opinions.

BAKU Conference
„Agriculture Trade and Foreign Investments for Sustainable Regional Integration in Caucasus and Central Asia“

6 – 7 September 2018 ǀ Baku, Azerbaijan


Dr. Ihtiyor Bobojonov

Dr. Ihtiyor Bobojonov

Research Associate
Room: 218

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Dr. Lena Kuhn

Dr. Lena Kuhn

Research Associate
Room: 233

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