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Name Position/Function Room Telephone Email
Ahmed, Prof. Dr. Osama Naser El-Din Research Associate 223 +49 345 2928-250 naser(at)
Babadjanova, Mashkhura Doctoral Researcher 217 +49 345 2928-225 babadjanova(at)
Bobojonov, Dr. Ihtiyor Research Associate 218 +49 345 2928-247 bobojonov(at)
Djuraeva, Mukhayyo Doctoral Researcher 343 +49 345 2928-252 djuraeva(at)
Duric, Dr. Ivan Research Associate 227 +49 345 2928-241 duric(at)
Egamberdiev, Bekhzod Doctoral Researcher 216 +49 345 2928-333 egamberdiev(at)
Ehsani, Afsaneh External Doctoral Researcher ehsani(at)
Eltazarov, Dr. Sarvarbek Research Associate 216 +49 345 2928-131 eltazarov(at)
Emileva, Begaiym Doctoral Researcher 219 +49 345 2928-322 emileva(at)
Glauben, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Thomas Director of IAMO, Head of Department Agricultural Markets 234 +49 345 2928-200 glauben(at)
Götz, PD Dr. habil. Linde Deputy Head of Department Agricultural Markets 222 +49 345 2928-327 goetz(at)
Gu, Mancang Master's student 214 +49 345 2928-240 gu(at)
Hu, Junzhe Doctoral Researcher 224 +49 345 2928-133 jhu(at)
Jamali Jaghdani, Dr. Tinoush Research Associate 217 +49 345 2928-218 jaghdani(at)
Kapustianskyi, Yaroslav Doctoral Researcher 216 +49 345 2928-224 kapustianskyi(at)
Khodjaev, Shovkat Doctoral Researcher 214 +49 345 2928-214 khodjaev(at)
Koester, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Ulrich IAMO Visiting Research Fellow ukoester(at)
Kopsidis, Prof. Dr. Michael Deputy Head of Department Agricultural Markets 226 +49 345 2928-230 kopsidis(at)
Kuhn, Dr. Lena Research Associate 233 +49 345 2928-323 kuhn(at)
Kümmel, Lena Secretariat 235 +49 345 2928-210 kuemmel(at)
Levkovych, Dr. Inna Research Associate 232 +49 345 2928-232 levkovych(at)
Li, Dr. Jiajia Visiting Researcher 220 +49 345 2928-318 jli(at)
Liu, Jian Doctoral Researcher 220 +49 345 2928-220 liujian(at)
Melkadze, Ketevan Doctoral Researcher 343 +49 345 2928-570 melkadze(at)
Moritz, Dr. Laura Research Associate 232 +49 345 2928-249 moritz(at)
Mosadegh Sedghy, Prof. Dr. Bahareh Visiting Researcher 224 +49 345 2928-124 mosadegh(at)
Neubert, Magnus Doctoral Researcher 339 +49 345 2928-146 neubert(at)
Neyter, Roman External Doctoral Researcher rneyter(at)
Perekhozhuk, Dr. Oleksandr Research Associate 221 +49 345 2928-236 perekhozhuk(at)
Polonska, Olga External Doctoral Researcher polonska(at)
Prehn, Dr. Sören Research Associate 225 +49 345 2928-248 prehn(at)
Primov, Abdulla Doctoral Researcher primov(at)
Rajkovic, Borislav Doctoral Researcher 223 +49 345 2928-251 rajkovic(at)
Ren, Prof. Dr. Yanjun IAMO Visiting Research Fellow
Schau, Daniel External Doctoral Researcher schau(at)
Soviadan, Dr. Mawussi Kossivi Doctoral Researcher 214 +49 345 2928-340 soviadan(at)
Svanidze, Dr. Miranda Research Associate 225 +49 345 2928-571 svanidze(at)
Vakhitov, Dr. Volodymyr Researcher vakhitov(at)
Yugay, Stanislav External Doctoral Researcher yugay(at)
Zhang, Hua Doctoral Researcher 339 +49 345 2928-223 zhang(at)