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Dr. Abdusame Tadjiev

Dr. Abdusame Tadjiev

Doctoral Researcher

External Environment for Agriculture and Policy Analysis (Agricultural Policy)

Dr. Abdusame Tadjiev

Doctoral Researcher

External Environment for Agriculture and Policy Analysis (Agricultural Policy)

Land and water reforms
Technology adoption
Risk preferences
Institutional economics

Abdusame Tadjiev joined IAMO in January 2019 as a doctoral researcher in the department Agricultural Policy. He studied agricultural economics at Samarkand Agricultural University, Uzbekistan, where he worked as an assistant professor from 2008 to 2013. From 2013 to 2015 he was an exchange student at the University of Genova, Italy. Before joining the AGRICHANGE project, he studied the impact of land and water reforms on the performance of the agricultural sector and participated in several international conferences. In June 2020, Dr. Abdusame Tadjiev successfully defended his doctoral thesis entitled “Evaluation of land and water reforms and cooperation among farmers: the case of Samarkand province, Uzbekistan” at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers (TIIAME) in Uzbekistan. He is currently doing his doctorate at IAMO on the topic of "Technology adoption for sustainable agriculture in Central Asia" as part of the SUSADICA project.

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