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Zhanli Sun

Dr. Zhanli Sun

Dr. Zhanli Sun

Personal details

Publications and Presentations

Articles (peer-reviewed)

; ; ; ; (2024) Unraveling the complexity of land use change and path dependency in agri-environmental schemes for small farmers: A serious game approach. Land Use Policy 139: .

; ; (2024) The effects of social capital and family income on farmers’ participation in rural public goods provision. Journal of Rural Studies 109: .

; ; ; ; ; ; (2024) Using farm typology to understand banana Xanthomonas wilt management in Rwanda. NJAS: Impact in Agricultural and Life Sciences 96 (1): .

; ; ; (2024) Opinion leaders’ influence on knowledge transmission about crop diseases management: Exploring the attributes that matter to followers. Outlook on Agriculture 53 (3): 264-276.

; ; ; (2024) Determinants of changes in harvested area and yields of major crops in China. Food Security 16 (2): 339-351.

; ; ; (2024) Technical efficiency versus land-use efficiency: A spatio-temporal efficiency analysis of China’s crop production. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 73 (2): .

; (2023) Rethinking human-nature relationships: Daoism’s contribution to transcultural sociotechnical imaginaries. The Professional Geographer 75 (2): 269-277.

; ; ; (2023) The use of mobile phones and the heterogeneity of banana farmers in Rwanda. Environment, Development and Sustainability 25 (6): 5315–5335.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2023) How to keep it adequate: A protocol for ensuring validity in agent-based simulation. Environmental Modelling & Software 159: .

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2023) Scale decisions and good practices in socio-environmental systems modelling: Guidance and documentation during problem scoping and model formulation. Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling 5: .

; ; ; ; ; (2023) Exploring the emergence and changing dynamics of a new integrated rice-crawfish farming system in China. Environmental Research Letters 18 (6): .

; ; ; ; ; (2022) Resource frontiers and agglomeration economies: The varied logics of transnational land-based investing in Southern and Eastern Africa. Ambio : a journal of human environment 51 (6): 1535–1551.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2022) Subnational institutions and power of landholders drive illegal deforestation in a major commodity production frontier. Global Environmental Change 74: .

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2022) Land management explains the contrasting greening pattern across China–Russia border based on Paired Land Use Experiment approach. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 127 (6): .

; ; ; (2022) The importance of proximity dimensions in agricultural knowledge and innovation systems: The case of banana disease management in Rwanda. Agricultural Systems 202: .

; ; (2022) Policy instruments for green-growth of clusters: Implications from an agent-based model. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 43: 257-269.

; ; ; (2022) Market proximity and irrigation infrastructure determine farmland rentals in Sichuan Province, China. Journal of Rural Studies 94: 375-384.

; (2022) Mapping global cropping system: Challenges, opportunities and future perspectives. Crop and Environment 1 (1): 68-73.

; ; ; ; ; (2022) Does adoption of honeybee pollination promote the economic value of kiwifruit farmers? Evidence from China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (14): .

; ; (2021) Driving factors of direct greenhouse gas emissions from China’s pig industry from 1976 to 2016. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 1 (20): 319-329.

; ; (2021) Exploring policy options in regulating rural–urban migration with a Bayesian Network: A case study in Kazakhstan. European Journal of Development Research 33 (3): 553-577.

; ; ; (2021) UAV-based mapping of banana land area for village-level decision-support in Rwanda. Remote Sensing 13 (24): .

; ; ; ; (2021) Grassland greening on the Mongolian Plateau despite higher grazing intensity. Land Degradation & Development 32 (2): 792-802.

; ; ; ; (2021) Revealing the intentions of farmers to recultivate abandoned farmland: A case study of the Buryat Republic in Russia. Land Use Policy 107: .

; ; ; ; (2021) Study of farmer’s behavior in recultivation of abandoned farmland: Example of the Republic of Buryatia. Spatial Economics (Prostranstvennaja Ekonomika) 17 (3): 59-102.

; ; ; (2021) The complexity of measuring cropland use intensity: An empirical study. Agricultural Systems 192: .

; ; (2020) How regional economic integration influence on urban land use efficiency? A case study of Wuhan metropolitan area, China. Land Use Policy 90: .

; ; ; ; (2020) From global drivers to local land-use change: Understanding the northern Laos rubber boom. Environmental Science and Policy 109: 103-115.

; ; ; ; (2020) A spatial-temporal analysis of the effects of households’ land-use behaviors on soil available potassium in cropland: A case study from urban peripheral region in Northeast China. Land 9 (5): .

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2020) Sustainable farmers, deficient State? Self-reported agricultural sustainability in the Argentine Chaco region. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 18 (6): 473-491.

; ; (2020) Indirect effects of grazing on wind-dispersed elm seeds in sparse woodlands of Northern China. Land 9 (12): .

; ; ; ; ; (2020) Assessing the viability of vacant farmhouse market in China: A case study in Sichuan. Land 9 (11): .

; ; ; (2020) The effect of cooperative membership on agricultural technology adoption in Sichuan, China. China Economic Review 62: .

; ; ; (2019) Survey-based modeling of land-use intensity in agricultural frontiers of the Argentine dry Chaco. Land Use Policy 88: .

; ; ; (2019) Revealing the determinants of wheat yields in the Siberian breadbasket of Russia with Bayesian networks. Land Use Policy 80: 21-31.

; ; ; (2019) Выявление детерминант урожайности пшеницы в Западной Сибири с использованием байесовских сетей. Spatial Economics (Prostranstvennaja Ekonomika) 15 (1): 39-83.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2019) Managing nitrogen to restore water quality in China. Nature 567 (7749): 516-520.

; ; (2019) Transformation and development of characteristic agriculture under the background of supply-side reform: A case study of bee industry. Research of Agricultural Modernization 1 (40): 63-71.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2018) Representation of decision-making in European agricultural agent-based models. Agricultural Systems 167: 143-160.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2018) Uncertainty in establishing forest reference levels and predicting future forest-based carbon stocks for REDD+. Journal of Land Use Science 13 (1-2): 1-15.

; ; ; (2018) Wake up “boiling frogs”: a study on animal husbandry under climate change in Northern China. Environmental Earth Sciences 77 (12): 1-8.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2018) Tools and methods in participatory modeling: Selecting the right tool for the job. Environmental Modelling & Software 109: 232-255.

; ; ; (2018) Beekeepers' perception of climate change and its influencing factors: a case study of Sichuan Province. Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis 30 (6): 1089-1098.

; ; ; (2018) Supporting capacity and structural optimization of water resources in the oasis city of Urumqi, China. Water Policy 20 (6): 1112-1128.

; ; ; (2018) Increasing concentration of major crops in China from 1980 to 2011. Journal of Land Use Science 13 (5): 480-493.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2018) Assessing the impacts of extreme agricultural droughts in China under climate and socioeconomic changes. Earth’s Future 6 (5): 689-703.

; ; ; ; ; (2016) Climate impact on vegetation and animal husbandry on the Mongolian plateau: a comparative analysis. Natural Hazards 80 (2): 727-739.

; ; ; ; (2016) China’s Land-Use Changes during the Past 300 Years: A Historical Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13 (9): 847.

; ; ; (2016) Challenges and opportunities for REDD+: A reality check from perspectives of effectiveness, efficiency and equity. Environmental Science and Policy 63: 161-169.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2016) Simple or complicated agent-based models? A complicated issue. Environmental Modelling & Software 86: 56-67.

; (2016) Analysis of the development situation of German characteristic agricultural industry and its inspiration to China: Taking apiculture as the case. Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis 11: 1954-1961.

; ; (2016) Analyzing the Technology Transfer between Agricultural Science and Technology Institutions and Agricultural Cooperatives: a case study of Sichuan, China. Journal of Agrotechnical Economics 11: 106-114.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2015) The Complexities of Agent-Based Modeling Output Analysis. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 18 (4): .

; ; ; ; (2014) Analyzing the drivers of tree planting in Yunnan, China, with Bayesian networks. Land Use Policy 36: 248-258.

; ; ; ; (2014) Processes underlying 50 years of local forest-cover change in Yunnan, China. Forests 5 (12): 3257-3273.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2014) Standardised and transparent model descriptions for agent-based models: Current status and prospects. Environmental Modelling & Software 55: 156-163.

; ; ; ; ; (2014) Regime shifts limit the predictability of land-system change. Global Environmental Change (28): 75-83.

; (2013) A framework for modeling payments for ecosystem services with agent-based models, Bayesian belief networks and opinion dynamics models. Environmental Modelling & Software 45: 15-28.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2012) The forgotten D: challenges of addressing forest degradation in complex mosaic landscapes under REDD+. Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography 112 (1): 63-76.

; ; (2009) The land-use evolution and impact assessment model: A comprehensive urban planning support system. URISA Journal 21 (1): 57-68.

Articles (non-peer-reviewed)

; ; ; ; ; (2024) Die Digitalisierung der Landwirtschaft Chinas: Status quo und wirtschaftliche Implikationen. IAMO Jahreszahl 26: 89-96.

; ; ; ; ; (2024) The digitalisation of China's agriculture: Status quo and economic implications. IAMO Annual 26: 81-88.

(2024) Drivers and consequences of farm structural change in Germany and China. Harvest · 丰收 : Sino-German Agricultural Magazine (4): 6-9.

; ; (2023) Instrumente einer grünen Politik zur Förderung des grünen Wachstums von Clustern: Implikationen eines akteurbasierten Ansatzes. IAMO Jahreszahl 25: 77-86.

; ; (2023) Policy instruments for green growth of clusters: Implications from an agent-based model. IAMO Annual 25: 75-83.

; ; ; (2023) Fördern Genossenschaften die Verbreitung landwirtschaftlicher Technologien bei kleinbäuerlichen Agrarstrukturen? Das Beispiel Sichuan (China). IAMO Jahreszahl 25: 51-58.

; ; ; (2023) Do farmer cooperatives promote agricultural technology adoption? A case study in Sichuan, China. IAMO Annual 25: 49-56.

; ; (2022) Die Einbeziehung informeller Wissensnetzwerke für einen nachhaltigen Transfer agrarischen Wissens: Eine soziale Netzwerkanalyse. IAMO Jahreszahl 24: 93-102.

; ; (2022) Involving informal knowledge networks to improve the diffusion of agricultural information: A social network analysis. IAMO Annual 24: 89-98.

; ; (2022) Satellitenbilder belegen eine rasante Ausbreitung kleinbäuerlicher Krebszucht auf Reisfeldern in China. IAMO Jahreszahl 24: 53-61.

; ; (2022) Satellite images reveal rapid spread of smallholder crayfish farming in CHina's rice fields. IAMO Annual 24: 51-58.

; ; ; (2019) Bedrohen Überweidung und Klimawandel die Steppen des Mongolischen Plateaus? IAMO Jahreszahl 21: 37-46.

; ; (2018) Synthesis of agricultural land system change in China over the past 40 years. Journal of Land Use Science 13 (5): 473-479.

; (2014) Regimewechsel der Landnutzung in Südostasien: Konzepte, Nachweis und Auswirkungen. IAMO Jahreszahl 16: 85-98.

(2012) Book Review: Natural Capital: Theory and Practice of Mapping Ecosystem Services. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 51 (3): 297-299.

Contributions to anthologies

; ; (2022) Potential of using mobile phones for crop diseases management among heterogeneous farmers in Rwanda. In: Grethe, H., Feindt, P., Hackfort, S., Mithöfer, D., Odening, M., Ritter, M., Siddig, K. (Hrsg.): Transformationsprozesse im Agrar- und Ernährungssystem: Herausforderungen für die Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften : 61. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e. V. vom 22. bis 24.09.2021, 65-76: Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster.

; (2014) Understanding Regime Shift in Land Systems with System Dynamics. In: Ames, D. P., Quinn, N. W. T., Rizzoli, A. E. (eds.): 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs) June 15-19, 2014, San Diego, California, USA, 1921-1928: International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs).

IAMO Policy Briefs

; ; ; ; (2022) Besonnen handeln - Die Rolle Chinas in unruhigen Agrarmärkten. IAMO Policy Brief No. 45, Halle (Saale).

; ; ; ; (2022) Keep calm and trade on: China's decisive role in agricultural markets under turmoil. IAMO Policy Brief No. 45, Halle (Saale).

; ; ; ; (2022) 动荡局势下的中国粮食安全分析及应对:保持冷静,继续维护贸易畅通. IAMO Policy Brief No. 45, Halle (Saale).

Further Publications

; ; ; ; ; (2023) The digitalization of China's agriculture: Status quo and economic implications. 0

; ; ; ; ; (2023) Die Digitalisierung der Landwirtschaft Chinas: Status quo und wirtschaftliche Implikationen. 0

; ; ; ; (eds) (2022) Transition towards carbon neutrality: Natural resource management and institutional change. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. /.

; ; (2021) Potential of using ICT tools for crop diseases management among heterogenous farmers in Rwanda. GeWiSoLa.

; ; ; ; (2017) Water and agriculture in China: status, challenges and options for action. 0

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2015) Lessons for REDD+ from complex mosaic landscapes. Newsletter of the Global Land Projekt 11, 34-35.

; (2012) Participatory Bayesian networks reveal site-specific causes of land-use trajectories in Southeast Asia. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs).


; ; ; (2018) What determines rural land transactions at household level in Sichuan, China? Berlin, Deutschland, 12.03.2018 - 16.03.2018.


; ; ; (2024) Agricultural digitalization in smallholder farming systems. 32nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists "Transformation Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems", New Delhi, Indien.

; ; (2024) Agricultural digitalization in smallholder farming systems. 2024 Global Food Security Forum for Young Scientists (GFSAYS), Wuhan, China.

; ; ; (2024) Smallholders’ preferences for agricultural drone services: Evidence from a choice experiment in Hubei, China. 10th EAAE PhD Workshop, Budapest, Ungarn.

; ; ; (2024) Farmers’ preferences for agricultural drone services under uncertainty: A choice experiment in Hubei, China. 32nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists "Transformation Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems", New Delhi, Indien.

; ; (2023) How social capital and household income influence farmers’ involvement in providing public goods in rural areas. 15th CEA 2023 Annual Conference: Sustainable Development in a Changing Era: China and the World, Göttingen, Deutschland.

; ; (2023) What influences farmers' participation in rural public goods provision? The 7th Global Forum of Leaders for Agricultural Science and Technology (GLAST-2023), Sanya, China.

(2023) Multiscale agent-based modelling of social-ecological system. International Symposium on Social Simulation 2023, Wuhan, China.

(2023) Understanding the evolution of land systems from complex system perspective: Resilience, tipping point and regime shifts. 62. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie (DKG), Frankfurt (Main), Deutschland.

; ; ; (2023) Agent-based modeling of small farmers' adoption of digitalization technology. The 15th CAER-IFPRI Annual Conference "Transforming Agri-food Systems in the Digital Age: Challenges and opportunities", Nanjing, China.

; ; ; (2023) Agricultural digitalization for small farmers: Status, challenges and ways forward. The 7th Global Forum of Leaders for Agricultural Science and Technology (GLAST-2023), Sanya, China.

; ; ; (2023) Agricultural digitalization in smallholder context: Status, challenges and ways forward. 2023 Global Food Security Forum for Young Scientists, Wuhan, China.

; ; ; ; (2023) Agricultural digitalization in smallholder farming system: Current development and future perspective. Sino-German Forum on Sustainable Development of Agri-Food System, Yangling, China.

(2023) Spatial-temporal changes of major crops and implications for food security in China. International Conference on Geography for Asian Development, Beijing, China.

(2023) Spatial-temporal changes of cropland and implications for food security in China. Symposium on Rural revitalization and modernization of agriculture and rural areas, Yangling, China.

; ; ; (2023) Determinants of changes in harvested area and yields of major crops in China. The 5th International Conference on Natural Resource Management and Public Policy, Wuhan/Online, China.

; ; ; (2022) The use of mobile phones and the heterogeneity of banana farmers in Rwanda. 14th European Farming Systems Conference (IFSA) "Farming Systems Facing Climate Change and Resource Challenges", Évora, Portugal.

; ; (2022) Farmers’ perception of mobile phone-based advisory services: The case of banana disease management in Rwanda. IAMO Forum 2022 "Enhancing resilience in a post-pandemic era: challenges and opportunities for rural development", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; (2022) The adoption of mobile phones in combating banana deceases among farmers in Rwanda. 2022 Global Food Security Forum for Young Scientists, Wuhan, China.

(2022) Multiscale agent-based modelling with a hierarchical nested approach. Social Simulation Conference 2022, Mailand, Italien.

; ; (2021) Potential of using mobile phones for crop diseases management among heterogeneous farmers in Rwanda. 61. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e. V.: "Transformationsprozesse im Agrar- und Ernährungssystem", Berlin / Online, Deutschland.

; ; (2021) Analysing the green-growth of a peripheral cluster through agent-based modelling. IAMO Forum 2021 - Agrifood systems in the bioeconomy, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

(2021) Agent-based modeling of ecosystem services. Summer School "Assessing and modelling ecosystem services", Online, Deutschland.

; (2020) Changing nature and changing humans? A cross-cultural comparative of the human-nature relationship and the role of technology. AAG Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA.

; ; ; (2020) A smart phone-based solution for crop diseases management: A case study of Banana Xanthomonas Wilt (BXW) in Rwanda. IAMO Forum 2020: Digital transformation - towards sustainable food value chains in Eurasia, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; (2020) UAV application in agriculture: A case study of mapping rapeseed damages in Romania. IAMO Forum 2020: Digital transformation - towards sustainable food value chains in Eurasia, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; ; (2019) The land reform and spatial-temporal patterns of crop lands in China in the past 40 years. 3rd International Conference on Natural Resource Management and Public Policy, Wuhan, China.

; ; ; (2019) Spatial-temporal patterns of cropland and major crops in China from 1980-2011. Yangling International Agri-Science Forum, Yangling, China.

; ; ; ; (2019) Partial efficiency of agricultural land use - using spatial autoregressive stochastic frontier model. 16th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EWEPA XVI), London, Großbritannien.

; ; ; (2018) The effect of resource-saving policy on convergence of urban areas’ total factor productivity. A case of Wuhan metropolitan area, China. IAMO Forum 2018: Large-Scale Agriculture – For Profit and Society?, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; ; (2017) Changes in Cropland during 1980-2011 in China with spatial and temporal analysis. IAMO Forum 2017: Eurasian Food Economy between Globalization and Geopolitics, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; ; (2016) Determinants of land-use decision-making in rural Sichuan, China. Global Land Project Open Science Meeting, Beijing, China.

; ; (2015) Thresholds responses and policy punctuation shape regime shifts in Southeast Asian land systems. International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress, Portland, USA.

; ; ; ; ; (2014) Implications of land-system regime shifts for REDD. Global Land Project - Open Science Meeting, Berlin, Deutschland.

; ; ; ; ; (2014) High uncertainty of business-as-usual development undermines additionality in REDD+. International Conference "Carbon - Land - Proberty", Kopenhagen, Dänemark.

(2014) Regime shifts of land systems. Sino-Germany Academic Exchange Lecture Series, Chengdu, China.

; (2014) Concept, evidence and implications of regime shifts of land systems in Southeast Asia. International Conference "Carbon - Land - Proberty", Kopenhagen, Dänemark.

; (2014) Participatory modelling of land use change with graphic tools. 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs), San Diego, USA.

; (2014) Understanding Regime Shift in Land Systems with System Dynamics. 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs), San Diego, USA.

; ; (2010) Local pathways to the forest transition in Yunnan, China. Open Science Meeting 2010 "Land Systems, global change and sustainability", Phoenix, USA.

; ; (2010) The importance of payments for ecosystem services as drivers of land use change in Yunnan, China. Open Science Meeting 2010 "Land Systems, global change and sustainability", Phoenix, USA.

; (2009) A hybrid agent-based model to assess the economic and ecological outcomes of payment for ecosystem services in Yunnan, China. Coupling Humans and Complex Ecological Landscapes - 2009 US-IALE Symposium, Snowbird, USA.