Dr. Florian Schierhorn
Research Associate
Structural Development of Farms and Rural Areas (Structural Change)
Dr. Florian Schierhorn
Research Associate
Structural Development of Farms and Rural Areas (Structural Change)
Land change science
Crop growth modeling
Dr. Florian Schierhorn is a post-doctoral researcher in the Department Structural Change at IAMO and currently mainly working on environmental impacts of food systems and trade-environment interactions, organic farming, as well as on impacts of climate change on crop yields. In 2014, Dr. Schierhorn was selected for participation in the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting on Economic Sciences. His results were published in many high-ranking scientific journals; Nature News reported on their research. Dr. Florian Schierhorn also published for ZEIT ONLINE, The Diplomat, Harvard Business Review, Global Policy, IP, and Die Ukraine-Analysen. His expertise, for example on agriculture in Russia or climate change, is picked up by the leading daily newspapers. Dr. Schierhorn also advises the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) on climate protection and climate adaptation.
With his IAMO colleagues, Dr. Florian Schierhorn teaches at Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg about the links between agriculture and climate change.
Reviewer for: Nature Food, Global Change Biology, Environmental Science & Technology, Land Degradation & Development, Environmental Research Letters, Global Environmental Change, Regional Environmental Change, Agriculture Ecosystem and Environment, Land Use Policy, Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Land Use Science, Land Economics, and GeoJournal.
- BALTRAK – Balancing trade-offs between agriculture and biodiversity in the steppes of Kazakhstan
- DSinGIS – Doctoral Studies in GeoInformation Sciences
- EPIKUR – Economic and natural potentials of agricultural production and carbon trade-offs in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Russia
- GERUKA – Global Food Security and the Grain Markets in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan
- RIMARA – Development of a Risk Management Concept for small farmers in Armenia and Azerbaijan
- Risk-Contingent Credit for Resilience – Promoting Resilience and Food Security through Risk-Contingent Credit in Africa