Borislav Rajkovic
Research Associate
Agricultural Markets, Marketing and World Agricultural Trade (Agricultural Markets)
Borislav Rajkovic
Research Associate
Agricultural Markets, Marketing and World Agricultural Trade (Agricultural Markets)
Consumer behavior
Experimental economics
Economic effects of social media
Borislav Rajkovic joined IAMO in May 2017 as a doctoral researcher in the department Agricultural Markets. Since 2018 he has been taking part in the DAAD fellowship program “Research Grants - Doctoral Programs in Germany”. He studied agricultural economics at the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Belgrade, Serbia, and obtained his MSc degree in 2016. In his master thesis he researched consumer preferences in the context of short food supply chains. His doctoral research deals with the effects of social media information exchange on consumer preferences in Serbia. The study acknowledges the role of consumer trust for the sake of diminishing the drawbacks of information asymmetry in the food market. The research uses structural equation modelling and discrete choice modelling in forms that allow for the inclusion of a complex factor of consumer trust.
- AgriDigital – Digitalization in Agriculture – The social media impact on agri-food marketing
- FOODScopeVR – Trust, transparency and traceability along the food value chains in Serbia – Using digital technologies for providing insides on consumer behaviour
- IAMO XR Lab – Transforming research through immersive data analytics
- SecureFood – An integrated approach to enhance food systems resilience, advocating for food security and uninterrupted food supply
- TRUSTFARM – Towards resilient and sustainable integrated agro-ecosystems through appropriate climate-smart farming practices
- eTrust-Food – Determinants of consumer trust towards agro-food systems in Western Balkan: Linkages between trust and transparency through digital solutions as a path of fostering supply chain competitiveness