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Lena Kuhn

Dr. Lena Kuhn

Dr. Lena Kuhn

Personal details

Publications and Presentations

Articles (peer-reviewed)

; ; ; ; (2024) Can domestic wheat farming meet the climate change-induced challenges of national food security in Uzbekistan? International Journal of Water Resources Development

; ; ; ; (2024) Household resilience and coping strategies to food insecurity: An empirical analysis from Tajikistan. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy

; ; ; (2024) Combining multiple UAV-based indicators for wheat yield estimation, a case study from Germany. European Journal of Remote Sensing 57 (1)

; ; (2024) Being well-in with the Joneses? A lab-in-the-field experiment on conspicuous consumption among rural communities. Journal of Development Studies

; ; ; (2024) Assessing peer influence on farmers' climate adaptations: An experimental adoption of index insurance and savings in Uzbekistan. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 56 (1): 1-20.

; ; ; (2023) The impact of agricultural extension type and form on technical efficiency under transition: An empirical assessment of wheat production in Uzbekistan. Economic Analysis and Policy 77: 203-221.

; ; ; (2023) Household resilience capacity and food security: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan. Food Security 15 (4): 967-988.

; ; ; (2023) The role of crop classification in detecting wheat yield variation for index-based agricultural insurance in arid and semiarid environments. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators 18

; ; ; (2023) Improving risk reduction potential of weather index insurance by spatially downscaling gridded climate data - a machine learning approach. Big Earth Data 7 (4): 937-960.

; ; ; (2023) The role of smartphone-based weather information acquisition on climate change perception accuracy: Cross-country evidence from Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia and Uzbekistan. Climate Risk Management 41

; ; ; (2023) Who benefits from payments for ecosystem services? Policy lessons from a forest carbon sink program in China. Ecological Economics 214

; (2023) The role of risk rationing in rural credit demand and uptake: Lessons from Kyrgyzstan. Agricultural Finance Review 83 (1): 1-20.

; ; (2023) The role of peer imitation in agricultural index insurance adoption: Findings from lab-in-the-field experiments in Kyrgyzstan. Review of Development Economics 27 (3): 1649-1672.

; ; ; ; ; ; (2022) The war in Ukraine, agricultural trade and risks to global food security. Intereconomics - Review of European Economic Policy 57 (3): 157-163.

; ; ; (2021) Mapping weather risk – A multi-indicator analysis of satellite-based weather data for agricultural index insurance development in semi-arid and arid zones of Central Asia. Climate Services 23

; ; ; (2021) Home environment and early development of rural children: Evidence from Guizhou province in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (11)

; ; ; ; (2020) The interrelationships between parental migration, home environment, and early child development in rural China: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 11 (17): 1-13.

; ; ; (2020) Technical and environmental efficiency of livestock farms in China: A slacks-based DEA approach. China Economic Review 62

; ; (2020) Price recall: Brand and store type differences. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 53

; ; ; (2019) The effectiveness of regulations and technologies on sustainable use of crop residue in Northeast China. Energy Economics 81: 519-527.

; (2019) Trade and dietary diversity in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Food Policy 88

; ; (2016) The Brink of Poverty: Implementation of a Social Assistance Program in Rural China. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 45 (1): 75–108.

; ; ; ; (2015) Economic Growth and Nutrition Transition: An Empirical Analysis Comparing Demand Elasticities For Foods in China and Russia. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 14 (6): 1008–1022.

Articles (non-peer-reviewed)

; (2023) Remote sensing data for climate risk management in agriculture: Comparing practical implementation of index insurance in Central Asia, Mongolia, and China. Harvest · 丰收 : Sino-German Agricultural Magazine (2): 14-22.

; ; (2023) Evaluierung des Einflusses landwirtschaftlicher Beratungsangebote auf die technische Effizienz von Agrarbetrieben in Usbekistan. IAMO Jahreszahl 25: 59-66.

; ; (2023) Evaluating the impact of agricultural extension on technical efficiency level of farms in Uzbekistan. IAMO Annual 25: 57-63.

(2023) Digitalization of Chinese agriculture - A step forward? Harvest · 丰收 : Sino-German Agricultural Magazine (2): 7-13.

; ; ; (2020) Digitalisierung in der Landwirtschaft: Chancen, Hemmnisse und Risiken für Transformationsökonomien. IAMO Jahreszahl 22: 11-24.

; ; ; (2020) Digitalisation in agriculture: Opportunities, obstacles and risks for transition economies. IAMO Annual 22: 11-23.

; ; ; ; (2019) Verbesserte Klimaresilienz durch Agrarversicherungen - das KlimALEZ-Projekt. IAMO Jahreszahl 21: 27-35.

(2018) Zurückgelassen: Chinas Landbevölkerung. Leibniz : Journal der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (1): 24-29.

; ; (2018) IAMO Forum 2017 "Eurasian Food Economy between Globalization and Geopolitics". IAMO Jahreszahl 20: 91-96.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2016) Zukunftsvisionen für den ländlichen Raum in Georgien: Bericht zur Doktorandenexkursion 2014. IAMO Jahreszahl 18: 73-83.

(2015) Evaluierung von Sozialtransfers im ländlichen China. IAMO Jahreszahl 17: 89-101.

Contributions to anthologies

; (2021) Quantity, price and risk rationing in rural credit markets: An empirical analysis of Kyrgyz rural credit demand and uptake. In: Gotter, C., Götz, L., Graubner, M., Herzfeld, T., Hirschauer, N., Kashtanova, E., Theesfeld, I., Wagner. P. (Hrsg.): Herausforderungen für die ländliche Entwicklung: Wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven (Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e. V. , Bd. 56), 339-358: Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster.

; (2016) Die Stakeholderanalyse und ihre Implikationen für das strategische Management. In: Eckert, S., Trautnitz, G. (eds.): Internationales Management und die Grundlagen des globalisierten Kapitalismus, 341–372: Springer.

; (2015) The challenge of water scarcity for Chinese agricultural development. In: Nora Sausmikat (ed.): Sustainable agriculture in China: Land policies, food and farming issues, 33-37: Stiftung Asienhaus.

IAMO Policy Briefs

; ; ; ; ; ; (2022) Der Ukrainekrieg offenbart angespannte Versorgungslagen auf Weltagrarmärkten: Gefordert sind wettbewerblich agierende globale Handelsstrukturen zur Krisenbewältigung. IAMO Policy Brief No. 44, Halle (Saale).

; ; ; ; ; ; (2022) The war in Ukraine exposes supply tensions on global agricultural markets: Openness to global trade is needed to cope with the crisis. IAMO Policy Brief No. 44, Halle (Saale).

; ; ; ; (2022) Besonnen handeln - Die Rolle Chinas in unruhigen Agrarmärkten. IAMO Policy Brief No. 45, Halle (Saale).

; ; ; ; (2022) Keep calm and trade on: China's decisive role in agricultural markets under turmoil. IAMO Policy Brief No. 45, Halle (Saale).

; ; ; ; (2022) 动荡局势下的中国粮食安全分析及应对:保持冷静,继续维护贸易畅通. IAMO Policy Brief No. 45, Halle (Saale).

; ; (2018) Landwirtschaft in Zeiten der Dürre: Wie Digitalisierung ein nachhaltiges Risikomanagement unterstützen kann. IAMO Policy Brief No. 35, Halle (Saale).

; ; (2017) Sozialhilfe im ländlichen China: Trägt sie zur Armutsreduktion bei? IAMO Policy Brief No. 31, Halle (Saale).

; ; (2017) Social transfers in rural China: Do they contribute to poverty reduction? IAMO Policy Brief No. 31, Halle (Saale).

IAMO Discussion Papers

; (2019) Trade and dietary diversity in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 182, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

IAMO Studies

(2018) The brink of poverty: efficiency and effectiveness of targeted social assistance for poverty reduction in rural China. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Transition Economies, Vol. 92, Halle (Saale): IAMO.

Further Publications

; ; ; ; ; (2023) The digitalization of China's agriculture: Status quo and economic implications. 0

; ; ; ; ; (2023) Die Digitalisierung der Landwirtschaft Chinas: Status quo und wirtschaftliche Implikationen. 0

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2023) Schlussbericht: Verbundprojekt Klimaanpassung: Erhöhung der Klimaresilienz in Zentralasien – Nachhaltige ländliche Entwicklung durch die Einführung innovativer Agrarversicherungsprodukte (KlimALEZ). 0

; ; (2022) Crop index insurance for more welfare and climate resilience? An experimental approach. AAEA.

; ; (2021) Promote or Inhibit? The effects of forest carbon sinks projects on agricultural development: Evidence from Sichuan, China. IAAE.

; ; ; (2021) Adopting index insurance and/or precautionary savings: Peer effects in complex decision-making in Uzbek experiments. IAAE.

; ; (2020) Nutritional transition in China: Policy approaches to mitigate health and environmental effects. 0

; (2019) Digitalisierung in der Landwirtschaft in Deutschland und China : Studie des Deutsch-Chinesischen Agrarzentrums (DCZ). 0


; ; ; (2023) Smartphone-based weather information acquisition on climate change perception accuracy. Lindau, Schweiz, 20.04.2023 - 21.04.2023.

; ; (2023) Can crop index insurance increase welfare and climate resilience? An experimental impact analysis from Uzbekistan. Rennes, Frankreich, 29.08.2023 - 01.09.2023.

; ; (2022) Crop index insurance: Laying foundations for more production decisions in drought-prone Uzbekistan. Prag, Tschechische Republik, 14.09.2022 - 16.09.2022.

; ; ; (2021) How does one's peer influence the adoption of index insurance and savings as two climate adaptation strategies? Evidence from choice experiments in Uzbekistan. Online, Deutschland, 05.07.2021 - 06.07.2021.


; ; ; (2023) Who benefits from payments for ecosystem services? Policy lessons from a forest carbon sink program in China. 15th CEA 2023 Annual Conference: Sustainable Development in a Changing Era: China and the World, Göttingen, Deutschland.

; ; (2023) Being well in with the Joneses – Conspicuous spending and risk sharing in a lab-in-the-field experiment. 51. Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Agrarwirtschaft & Agrarsoziologie (SGA) "Transformation d. Agrar- & Ernährungssysteme - Nachhaltigkeit & Digitalisierung von Wertschöpfungsketten", Lindau, Schweiz.

(2023) Food security - China and the world. IAMO Forum 2023 "Trade, Geopolitics & Food Security", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; (2023) Being well in with the Joneses – Conspicuous spending and risk sharing in a lab-in-the-field experiment. XVII Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) “Agri-food systems in a changing world: Connecting science and society”, Rennes, Frankreich.

; ; (2023) Agricultural index insurance, welfare and climate resilience: Experimental findings from Uzbekistan. 51. Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Agrarwirtschaft & Agrarsoziologie (SGA) "Transformation d. Agrar- & Ernährungssysteme - Nachhaltigkeit & Digitalisierung von Wertschöpfungsketten", Lindau, Schweiz.

; ; (2023) Ex-ante and ex-post effects of index insurance on welfare and climate resilience: Experimental findings from Uzbekistan. German Development Economics Conference, Dresden, Deutschland.

; ; (2023) Can crop index insurance increase welfare and climate resilience? An experimental impact analysis from Uzbekistan. IAMO Forum 2023 "Trade, Geopolitics & Food Security", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; (2023) Agricultural index insurance, welfare and climate resilience: Experimental findings from Uzbekistan. 2023 Global Food Security Forum for Young Scientists, Wuhan, China.

; ; (2023) Impact of index insurance on welfare and climate resilience: Experimental findings from Uzbekistan. Sino-German Forum on Sustainable Development of Agri-Food System, Yangling, China.

; ; ; (2023) Agent-based modeling of small farmers' adoption of digitalization technology. The 15th CAER-IFPRI Annual Conference "Transforming Agri-food Systems in the Digital Age: Challenges and opportunities", Nanjing, China.

; ; ; (2023) Agricultural digitalization for small farmers: Status, challenges and ways forward. The 7th Global Forum of Leaders for Agricultural Science and Technology (GLAST-2023), Sanya, China.

; ; ; (2023) Agricultural digitalization in smallholder context: Status, challenges and ways forward. 2023 Global Food Security Forum for Young Scientists, Wuhan, China.

; ; ; ; (2023) Agricultural digitalization in smallholder farming system: Current development and future perspective. Sino-German Forum on Sustainable Development of Agri-Food System, Yangling, China.

; ; (2022) Mapping weather risk – A multi-indicator analysis of satellite-based weather data for drought monitoring in semi-arid and arid zones of Central Asia. 2022 GIS-in-Central-Asia Conference, Tashkent, Usbekistan.

; ; (2022) Competitiveness in international soybean trade during the trade disputes and the COVID19‐pandemic: Case of China, USA and Brazil. IAMO Forum 2022 "Enhancing resilience in a post-pandemic era: challenges and opportunities for rural development", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

(2022) Enhancing the resilience of food systems through digitalization. IAMO Forum 2022 "Enhancing resilience in a post-pandemic era: challenges and opportunities for rural development", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

(2022) Food security in global perspective. 8th Sino-German Agricultural Week, Peking, China.

; ; (2022) The impact of crop insurance on welfare and climate resilience: Experimental evidence from Uzbekistan. The Annual Conference of The Agricultural Economics Society (AES), Leuven, Belgien.

; ; (2022) The role of index insurance on farm welfare and climate resilience: Experimental findings from Uzbekistan. EAAE PhD Workshop, Parma, Italien.

; ; (2022) Crop index insurance for more welfare and climate resilience? An experimental approach. 2022 AAEA Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA.

; ; (2022) Crop index insurance, welfare and climate resilience: Finding from lab-in-the-field experiments in Uzbekistan. 183rd EAAE Seminar, Zagreb, Kroatien.

; ; (2022) Higher freight rates lower agricultural trade--or do they? The Chinese soybean conundrum. IAMO Forum 2022 "Enhancing resilience in a post-pandemic era: challenges and opportunities for rural development", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; ; (2021) The impact of agricultural extension type and form on technical efficiency under transition: An empirical assessment of wheat production in Uzbekistan. Conference on Rural Economic Transformation: Pathways to Inclusive and Sustainable Prosperity in Post-COVID-19 Asia, Online, Japan.

; ; (2021) The potential of satellite remote sensing data in index insurance development: An application in agricultural lands of Central Asia. Deutsch-zentralasiatische Fachkonferenzreihe "Wissenschaft trifft Wirtschaft – Innovationen für Nachhaltigkeit", Online, Kasachstan.

; ; (2021) New data, new options – Online platforms for farmers, insurance companies and governments. KlimALEZ stakeholder workshop, Halle (Saale) / Online, Deutschland.

; ; (2021) Promote or Inhibit? The effects of forest carbon sinks projects on agricultural development: Evidence from Sichuan, China. 31st Virtual ICAE 2021, Neu Delhi / Online, Indien.

; ; (2021) Using drone imagery for higher precision of wheat yield estimation: A case study for Germany. KlimALEZ stakeholder workshop, Halle (Saale) / Online, Deutschland.

; (2021) Landwirtschaft in Zeiten der Dürre: Wie Digitalisierung ein nachhaltiges Risikomanagement unterstützen kann. Hagel-Webinar. Risikomanagement – Innovationen durch Indexversicherungen, Online, Oesterreich.

; ; (2021) Index insurance and/or precautionary savings: Simultaneous adoption decisions in Uzbek experiments. 94th Annual Conference of The Agricultural Economics Society, Warwick (online), Großbritannien.

; ; ; (2021) Weather index insurance for climate resilience: An experimental implementation in Kyrgyzstan. XVI EAAE Virtual Congress "Raising the Impact of Agricultural Economics: Multidisciplinarity, Stakeholder Engagement and Novel Approaches, Prag / Online, Tschechische Republik.

; ; ; (2021) How does one's peer influence the adoption of index insurance and savings as two climate adaptation strategies? Evidence from choice experiments in Uzbekistan. International Conference on Globalization and Development (GLAD), Online, Deutschland.

; ; ; (2021) Adopting index insurance and/or precautionary savings: Peer effects in complex financial decision-making in Uzbek experiments. 31st Virtual ICAE 2021, Neu Delhi / Online, Indien.

; ; ; (2021) Innovative index insurance and/or familiar savings as climate adaptations: The role of peer influences in experimental implementation in Uzbekistan. Doctoral Workshop Research Group on Development Economics German Economic Association, Dresden, Deutschland.

; ; ; (2021) Sustainable finances for green investments: Findings from experimental adoption of innovative index insurance in Uzbekistan. Tropentag 2021, online, Deutschland.

; ; ; (2021) Index insurance and/or precautionary savings as two climate adaption strategies: How does one’s peer influence simultaneous uptake decisions in Uzbek experiments? VfS Annual Conference 2021: Climate Economics, online, Deutschland.

; ; (2021) Understanding needs – Experimental economics for understanding demand and informing farmers. KlimALEZ stakeholder workshop, Halle (Saale) / Online, Deutschland.

; ; ; ; (2020) Agricultural insurance markets: From index design to farmers‘ adoption. Virtual Seminars on Applied Economics and Policy Analysis in Central Asia, Online, Deutschland.

; ; ; (2020) Attitudes toward gender-roles in Kyrgyzstan and nutritional outcomes: Latent profile analysis. IAMO Forum 2020: Digital transformation - towards sustainable food value chains in Eurasia, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; (2020) The potential of satellite remote sensing data in index insurance development: An application in agricultural lands of Central Asia. IAMO Forum 2020: Digital transformation - towards sustainable food value chains in Eurasia, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; ; (2020) Short term success vs. long term sustainability of innovation diffusion – An overview of international experience. IAMO Forum 2020: Digital transformation - towards sustainable food value chains in Eurasia, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

(2020) From plowshares to drones? On the prospects of digitalized agriculture in China. IAMO Forum 2020: Digital transformation - towards sustainable food value chains in Eurasia, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; (2020) Quantity, price and risk rationing in underdeveloped rural credit markets. 60. Jahrestagung der Gewisola 2020, Halle (Saale)/virtuell, Deutschland.

; (2020) Quantity, price and risk rationing in underdeveloped rural credit markets. Sustainable agricultural development and regional cooperation for inclusive growth in Central Asia, online, Usbekistan.

; (2020) How trade changes our diets: The case of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Deutsch-Chinesische Agrarwoche, Beijing (Online), China.

; ; (2020) How peer imitation affects the adoption of index insurance: Evidence from an experiment in rural Kyrgyzstan. IAMO Forum 2020: Digital transformation - towards sustainable food value chains in Eurasia, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; (2020) Crop index insurance for climate resilience enabling higher agricultural investments: An experimental implementation in Kyrgyzstan. Tropentag, Online, Deutschland.

; ; (2020) Weather index insurance for climate resilience: An experimental implementation in Krygyzstan. 60. Jahrestagung der Gewisola 2020, Halle (Saale)/virtuell, Deutschland.

; ; (2020) Weather index insurance for climate resilience: An experimental implementation in Krygyzstan. 6th Annual ‘Life in Kyrgyzstan’ Conference, Online, Deutschland.

; (2019) Role of modern agricultural insurance in mitigating farmer’s climate risk in Central Asia. International Conference on Agricultural Transformation, Food Security and Nutrition in Central Asia, Tashkent, Usbekistan.

; ; (2019) Increasing climate resilience via agricultural insurance : The project KlimALEZ. Tropentag 2019: "Filling gaps and removing traps for sustainable resources development", Kassel, Deutschland.

; ; (2019) Digital technologies for risk management – Technical opportunities and implementation challenges. Global Forum for Food and Agriculture, Berlin, Deutschland.

(2019) Ernährungswandel in China. China Mittwoch, Bremen, Deutschland.

; ; ; ; ; (2019) Sustainable residue management under China's agricultural transition. China Rural Development Kolloquium, Wageningen, Niederlande.

; (2019) Digitale Technologien zur Minderung von Klimarisiken. Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2019, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

(2019) 40 years of rural reforms in China – A retrospective. IAMO Forum 2019 "Small farms in transition: How to stimulate inclusive growth", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; ; (2019) Sustainable residue management under Chinese Agricultural Transition. 3rd International Conference on Natural Resource Management and Public Policy, Wuhan, China.

; ; ; (2019) Stress Tolerant Rice Varieties (STRV) adaptation practices in smallholder agriculture: Emerging evidence from Chinese rice farming. IAMO Forum 2019 "Small farms in transition: How to stimulate inclusive growth", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; (2018) Drought insurance for enhanced agricultural resilience in Central Asia. Baku Conference "Agriculture Trade and Foreign Investments for Sustainable Regional Integration in Caucasus and Central Asia", Baku, Aserbaidschan.

; ; (2018) The potential and uptake of Remote Sensing for developing Agricultural Index Insurance in Central Asia. International Symposium on Water and Land Resources in Central Asia, Almaty, Kasachstan.

; ; ; (2018) The effectiveness of regulation and technologies on reducing crop residue burning in Northeast China. IAMO Forum 2018: Large-Scale Agriculture – For Profit and Society?, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; ; (2018) Agricultural machinery for cleaner air– An analysis of the effectiveness of three policy measures for reducing residue burning in Northern China. The 30th International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), Vancouver, Kanada.

; ; (2018) Ernährungswandel in China - Folgen für Gesundheit, Umwelt und Handel. Vortragsreihe Konfuzius-Institut Nürnberg, Nürnberg, Deutschland.

(2018) Sustainable agriculture under social and economic transition – A research perspective. Sino-German Agribusiness Conference 2018 & The 8th Chengdu Organic Agriculture Forum, Pujiang, Chengdu, Deutschland.

(2018) Sustainable residue management under Chinese Agricultural Transition. The 30th International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), Vancouver, Kanada.

; ; ; (2018) Demand for agricultural insurance in Kyrgyzstan. Baku Conference "Agriculture Trade and Foreign Investments for Sustainable Regional Integration in Caucasus and Central Asia", Baku, Aserbaidschan.

; ; ; (2018) Enhancing climate resilience in Central Asia via index-based drought insurance. Academic Conference: "Social science knowledge and sustainable agricultural development along the Silk Road", Tashkent, Usbekistan.

; ; ; (2018) Digitalization for drought-risk mitigation: The implementation perspective. 4th Sino-German Agricultural Week, Beijing, China.

; ; (2018) Food retail price knowledge: Some novel insights on the German retail sector. 58. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e.V. (GEWISOLA) : Visionen für eine Agrar- und Ernährungspolitik nach 2020, Kiel, Deutschland.

; ; (2018) KlimALEZ: Increasing climate resilience via agricultural insurance – Innovation transfer for sustainable rural development in Central Asia. COP24 - UN-Klimakonferenz, Kattowitz, Polen.

; ; ; (2017) Technical and environmental efficiency of livestock farms in China: a slacks-based DEA approach. IAMO Forum 2017: Eurasian Food Economy between Globalization and Geopolitics, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; ; ; (2017) Technical and environmental efficiency of livestock farms in China: a slacks-based DEA approach. ICARDC XIII, Guangzhou, China.

(2017) Nutrition transition in two emerging countries: A comparison between China and Russia. Vorlesung: Mikroökonomik der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; (2016) Self-sufficiency Policy Reforms and their Impact on Wheat Productivity in Armenia. Samarkand Conference "Regional and International Cooperation in Central Asia and South Caucasus: Recent Developments in Agricultural Trade", Samarkand, Usbekistan.

(2015) Leben am Existenzminimum – Evaluierung staatlicher Sozialtransfers im ländlichen China. 7. DGA-Nachwuchstagung, Burg Rothenfels am Main, Deutschland.

; ; ; ; (2015) Nutrition Transition in Two Emerging Countries. A Comparison Between China and Russia. 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists: Agriculture in an interconnected world, Mailand, Italien.

; (2015) Distribution of Social Assistance in China. On the Validity of Proxy Means Testing. ECARDC XII Countryside and the Future of Growth in China, Tianjin, China.

; (2015) Provincial Leaders' Human Capital and Economic Performance in China. Western Economics Association International (WEAI) 11th International Conference, Wellington, Neuseeland.

; ; ; ; (2014) Economic growth and nutrition transition: An empirical analysis comparing demand elasticities for foods in China and Russia. 14th Congress of European Association of Agricultural Economists "Agri-Food and Rural Innovations for Healthier Societies", Ljubljana, Slowenien.

; ; ; ; (2014) Nutrition Transition in Emerging Economies. Estimating food demand elasticities in China and Russia. 2014 Workshop on the "Economic Transformation of Asian Agriculture and Its Impact on Global Economy", Beijing, China.

; (2013) Inequality in Rural China. Identifying and Supporting the Needy. IAMO Forum 2013: Rural areas for future generations: Public services, entrepreneurship and quality for life, Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

; (2013) Inequality in Rural China. Identifying and Supporting the Needy. China as a leader in the world economy: implications for the political economy, Clermon-Ferrand, Frankreich.