Prof. Dr. Thomas Herzfeld
Director of IAMO
Head of Department Agricultural Policy
External Environment for Agriculture and Policy Analysis (Agricultural Policy)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Herzfeld
Director of IAMO
Head of Department Agricultural Policy
External Environment for Agriculture and Policy Analysis (Agricultural Policy)
Institutional change
Microeconometric analyses of rural households and consumers
Agricultural policy analysis
Methodological foci: Panel data analysis, non-parametric methods
Prof. Dr. Thomas Herzfeld joined IAMO in October 2011 as Head of the Department Agricultural Policy. He studied agricultural economics at the universities Halle and Kiel, Germany, and Rennes, France. Prof. Dr. Herzfeld obtained his PhD degree in 2004 from the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel and finalized his Habilitation (venia legend) in 2008 at the same university. From 2007 to 2011, he was employed as an assistant professor at the Wageningen University, The Netherlands. Based on a joint appointment, he teaches at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany.
- AG-ChangeRural – Changes in rural areas
- AG-InstitutionsNaturalResources – Institutions and Natural resources
- AGRICISTRADE – Exploring the potential for agricultural and biomass trade in the Commonwealth of Independent States
- ANICANET – Revitalising animal husbandry in Central Asia: A five-country analysis
- APD Westbalkan – Agricultural Policy Dialogue Germany - Western Balkans (Agrarpolitischer Dialog Westbalkan)
- Alumni Network – Research and innovation for a sustainable rural development – Strengthening the IAMO alumni network
- Barriers in grain export in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan
- CARe – Navigating shocks and transformations in rural communities: An evolutionary resilience perspective from Central Asia
- CAWAMNET – Central Asian Water Conflict and Migration Network
- Commercialization of smallholder farms in Kosovo
- Cooperation and alternative food chains as marketing opportunities for smallholder farms in Southeastern Europe
- Cropland use and land tenure rights in transition countries
- ENHANCE – Building an Excellency Network for Heightening Agricultural Economic Research and Education in Romania
- EUkrBenefits – Reaping the Benefits and Minimising the Risks: Integration of the Ukrainian Agricultural and Food Sectors into the European Union
- Economic analysis of wheat trade in Russia, Central Asia and the Caucasus: three Essays
- FEDAGRIPOL – Political economy of agricultural policies in federal systems
- From Social to Intangible Remittances: A Conceptual Recalibration with Empirical Evidence from Southeast Europe
- Institutional quality of meat markets in post-Soviet countries
- Internal migration in Kazakhstan – New Institutionalism and Bayesian Networks: Establishing an analytical framework to model migration decision making in rural Kazakhstan
- MATRACC – The Global Food Crisis – Impact on Wheat Markets and Trade in the Caucasus and Central Asia and the Role of Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine)
- MDA-Impact – Agricultural Policy Impact Assessment for the Republic of Moldova
- Philipp Schwartz Fellowships supported by funds from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
- RuWell – Rural well-being in transition: multidimensional drivers and effects on (im)mobility
- SARS-CAC – The impact of COVID-19 on agriculture, food and rural areas in Central Asia and Caucasus countries
- SUSADICA – Structured doctoral programme on Sustainable Agricultural Development in Central Asia
- Study on Rural Migration in Kosovo
- TRILEMMA – The agricultural policy trilemma in post-soviet countries: Cultivating growth amidst complexity
- Tapping two sources: Farmers’ conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water in North West China
- The impact of migration and remittances on agriculture and rural development in Kosovo and Albania
- The land and water nexus in a transition context: the case of Tajikistan
- Three essays on agricultural policy in Kosovo
- Too much but not enough: Issues of water management in Albania
- Understanding farmers’ compliance and non-compliance of food safety rules in China
- Understanding the behavioral factors affecting adoption of sustainable agriculture practices by farmers in Kyrgyzstan
- UzFarmBarometer – Better understanding of the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices in Uzbekistan