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Brett Hankerson

Brett Hankerson

Brett Hankerson

Personal details

Publications and Presentations

Articles (peer-reviewed)

; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2023) Gridded livestock density database and spatial trends for Kazakhstan. Scientific Data 10: .

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2020) Declining human pressure and opportunities for rewilding in the steppes of Eurasia. Diversity and Distributions 26 (9): 1058-1070.

; ; ; ; ; (2019) Modeling the spatial distribution of grazing intensity in Kazakhstan. PLOS ONE 14 (1): 1-27.

Articles (non-peer-reviewed)

; ; (2017) Zwischen ökologischen und ökonomischen Zwängen: Weidenutzung und Tierproduktion in Kasachstan. IAMO Jahreszahl 19: 45-54.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (2016) Zukunftsvisionen für den ländlichen Raum in Georgien: Bericht zur Doktorandenexkursion 2014. IAMO Jahreszahl 18: 73-83.

Further Publications

; ; ; ; ; (2018) Livestock grazing intensity in Kazakhstan from 2015 based on NPP and spatial allocation model. PANGAEA.


; ; ; ; ; (2018) Grazing intensity in Kazakhstan: Modeling its spatial distribution. Almaty, Kasachstan, 16.04.2018 - 18.04.2018.


; ; (2019) Grazing patterns are a key determinant of fire occurrence in Kazakhstan. Global Land Programme 4th Open Science Meeting 2019 "Transforming Land Systems for People and Nature", Bern, Schweiz.

; ; (2018) Grazing patterns are a key determinant of fire occurrence in Kazakhstan. Academic Conference: "Social science knowledge and sustainable agricultural development along the Silk Road", Tashkent, Usbekistan.

; ; ; ; ; (2016) Pasture utilization and livestock development in Kazakhstan. Global Land Project Open Science Meeting, Beijing, China.

; ; ; (2016) Mapping the distribution of grazing livestock in Kazakhstan. IAAE Inter-Conference Symposium "Agricultural Transitions along the Silk Road", Almaty, Kasachstan.