Dr. Changxing Dong
Research Associate
Structural Development of Farms and Rural Areas (Structural Change)
Dr. Changxing Dong
Research Associate
Structural Development of Farms and Rural Areas (Structural Change)
Agent-based modelling
Modelling ecosystem services
Dr. Changxing Dong joined IAMO in November 2010 as a researcher in the Department Structural Change. Before coming to IAMO, he was employed as a researcher at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany.
- AgEnRes – Analyzing of fossil-energy dependence in agriculture to increase resilience against input price fluctuations
- AgriPoliS – Agricultural Policy Simulator
- AgriPoliS2020 – Sustainability of research software AgriPoliS
- FarmAgriPoliS – Participatory laboratory experiments with Agripolis
- FarmAgriPoliS 2.0 – A business simulation game to experience structural change in agriculture
- MULTAGRI – Rural development through governance of multifunctional agricultural land-use
- Rehwinkel Resilience – Resilience through change! Strategies for the agricultural sector and politics