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Suray Charyyeva

Suray Charyyeva

Suray Charyyeva

Personal details

Publications and Presentations

Articles (non-peer-reviewed)

; ; (2020) Reformen des Baumwollsektors in Zentralasien. IAMO Jahreszahl 22: 49-58.

; ; (2020) Cotton sector reforms in Central Asia. IAMO Annual 22: 46-54.


(2024) The transition from cotton to horticulture: Effects on the role of rural women in Uzbek agriculture. ASSA 2024 Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA.

(2023) Horticulture and women: What can we learn from the Uzbek experience? 17th TASA Symposium, Austin, TX, USA.

; (2023) The transition from cotton to horticulture: Effects on the role of rural women in Uzbek agriculture. SUSADICA final symposium, Tashkent, Usbekistan.

(2022) Agricultural crop diversification in irrigated areas of Central Asia: Determination, policies and social impacts. SUSADICA-Workshop, Halle (Saale) / Online, Deutschland.

(2020) Agricultural diversification: Policies, determinants and implications. Research Workshop "SUSADICA - Structured doctoral programme on Sustainable Agricultural Development in Central Asia", Halle (Saale), Deutschland.

(2020) Crop diversification in Central Asia: Policies, determinants and the social effects. SUSADICA Online Workshop, Online, Deutschland.